The Thrill of Romantic Suspense Meets the Romance of 1800s America
Lured by a handful of scribbled words across a faded letter, Cara Hamilton sets off from 1896 Ireland on a quest to find the brother she'd thought dead. Her search lands her in America, amidst a houseful of strangers and one man who claims to be a friend--Rourke Walsh.
Despite her brother's warning, Cara decides to trust Rourke and reveals the truth about her purpose in America. But he is not who he claims to be, and as rumors begin to circulate about an underground group of dangerous revolutionaries, Cara's desperation grows. Her questions lead her ever closer to her brother, but they also bring her closer to destruction as Rourke's true intentions come to light.
Goodreads Summary
Cara Hamilton lost her family; she lost her parents on a train ride and her twin brother because of his connections going horribly wrong. She believes him to be dead for years, until a letter arrives in his handwriting saying to go to New York and find him. The catch: he doesn’t say where he is. Cara takes a boat out to NY to find him and she takes all the money/resources she has with her. She meets a man on a boat named Rourke and he helps her to an Irish boarding house. Little does she know, Rourke lost his father to the Hamiltons and is hell-bent on revenge. He finds her attractive, and not knowing if she’s the Hamilton that his family wants dead, he tries to get to know her. They fall in love and Rourke gets in a pickle. Should he turn her over or is the love they have too strong?
I absolutely adored this book! Cara is sweet, homely, and strong. She tries her best to find the brother she thought dead and I cared about her character. The actions she made were sometimes confusing, but in the end I rooted for her. I fell in love with Rourke. He had a hard past, but that doesn’t stop the compassion that shows when he’s with Cara. Sometimes the plot moved at a slow pace and I had to skim, but other characters kept me intrigued. I wanted to know more and see how everything ended. The mystery aspect captivated me, not knowing the actions characters will make and the plot falling into place was my favorite part. I could see what the ending was before I got there, but it still had me guessing.
Books that are set behind the 1930’s always make me squeal. The characters are never like the modern day. People had rules and were restricted to do many things. Life was different and seeing people live through them is a fun ride. Now-a-days lead characters can say casual statements that are actually rude and will get you kicked out in some societies. This book was great, and I might pick up the next.
3 Stars
*Reviewed by Rachel*
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