Worlds divided them. Chance brought them together. Only love will save them.
In book 2 of the Immortal Essence series, Venus must enter her planet's Hell, and complete three trials in order to free her parents, and save her soulmate.
Venus has become immortal, just as she always wanted. In the process she hurt Zaren, lost Michael, and destroyed her family.
At least that's what she believed.
Turns out Ramien, the god of her planets' underworld, has her parents, and Michael.
To save them, Venus makes a deal. She must complete three trials. They seem impossible. They certainly won't be easy. Worst of all, someone she loves won't make it out alive.
Goodreads Summary
Beguiled is the second book of the Immortal Essence series. This is more of a sci-fi tale than fantasy, which I believe is very new to the YA world. There aren’t many alien novels in the Young Adult world… it’s all vampire, werewolves, fae, things that were in Twilight. Guess what? Twilight is over. It’s time for a new genre to take over. Hopefully, sci-fi will be the next big thing, because you can have mythical beings taken in another direction. Don’t get me wrong, I love fantasy! I’m just happy to read a book about something different.
The story picks up a few weeks after the first book left off. You don’t have to read the first book in order to understand the second, but it definitely helps with the background and how the main character – Venus – (awesome name, right?) makes her decisions. I found a few grammar errors, which was a bummer. I definitely got confused throughout the book, some aspects were left unexplained. Other than those things, I was very entertained. The romance doesn’t disappoint, Venus has a difficult time with the men, but in the end everything works out. The adventure and twists catch you off guard… Workman surprises you with where the plot leads which kept me on my toes. All around I enjoyed the read. It’s a book that will leave you content.
3 Stars
*Reviewed by Rachel*
This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.
Is it just me or does the model for the covers of this series look like the character that plays Red on Once Upon a Time? Anytime I see these covers, it makes me want to watch the show! haha