Coral Sinclair is a beautiful but naïve twenty-five-year-old photographer who has just lost her father. She’s leaving the life she’s known and traveling to Kenya to take ownership of her inheritance–the plantation that was her childhood home–Mpingo. On the voyage from England, Coral meets an enigmatic stranger to whom she has a mystifying attraction. She sees him again days later on the beach near Mpingo, but Coral’s childhood nanny tells her the man is not to be trusted. It is rumored that Rafe de Monfort, owner of a neighboring plantation and a nightclub, is a notorious womanizer having an affair with her stepmother, which may have contributed to her father’s death.
Circumstance confirms Coral’s worst suspicions, but when Rafe’s life is in danger she is driven to make peace. A tentative romance blossoms amidst a meddling ex-fiancé, a jealous stepmother, a car accident, and the dangerous wilderness of Africa. Is Rafe just toying with a young woman’s affections? Is the notorious womanizer only after Coral’s inheritance? Or does Rafe’s troubled past color his every move, making him more vulnerable than Coral could ever imagine?
Set in 1970, this contemporary historical romance sends the seemingly doomed lovers down a destructive path wrought with greed, betrayal, revenge, passion, and love.
What readers have said …
“Hannah Fielding writes so beautifully that I really felt like I was being embraced by the magical atmosphere of Kenya” — Elena of Bookish Temptations
“If the sign of a good book is that it transports you to another place this book is it. It is a book that I would re-read and one that I will share with my friends.” — Goodreads review
“I give five stars to Hannah Fielding and Burning Embers. And I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Hats off to Hannah Fielding on her first novel – and many more I hope.” — Amazon review
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Genre – Historical Contemporary Romance
Rating – PG13
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Writing to me is …
by Hannah Fielding
… the realisation of a childhood dream. From a young age I adored stories, especially those with a romantic slant. At the knee of my governess, Zula, I listened to tales of exotic, faraway lands, beautiful princesses and handsome princes. At the age of seven we struck a deal: for each tale she told me, I would relate one of my own – and that day my passion for creating romantic stories was born. As I matured, I devoured romance books, and finally the idea formed in my mind that one day I could write my own. It’s an idea I carried with me over so many years, and now, when I write, I think fondly of the little girl I once was and am so glad that I have made her dreams come true.
… escapism. Reading, for me, has always been a means of escaping to scenes more colourful and vibrant and passionate than everyday reality. Writing takes me a step further, allowing me to create the world of my imaginings. I can start the day discussing business with my husband and planning the menu for dinner, and then an hour later be lost in a bygone era full of poignancy and atmosphere. In fact, the escapism is so tempting that my biggest problem as a writer is knowing when to stop writing. Some days, I could quite happily write into the night and lose all sense of the real world around me. It’s not uncommon, while writing, for me to become aware of my surroundings – my home office in Kent, or my garden in France – with a start and feel for a moment disorientated, so transported had I been to Africa or Italy or Spain.
… discovery. Before I write a book, I immerse myself in several months of research – visiting the country in which the book is set, watching films set there, listing to music and reading widely on history, folklore, culture and settings. Once, I even posed as a Spanish gypsy for an afternoon to immerse myself in the culture. I love this part of the writing process, because I learn so much and am then able to write from a place of grounded knowledge.
… an expression of self. When I finish writing a chapter and I read it back to myself, there is always a sense that my self, as author, is infused into the words. The writing is not just mine; I am the writing. My writing is a way to express myriad emotions and thoughts and observations.
… joy. Of course there are days when the muse is elusive; when a single sentence becomes a beast to be battled into submission. But overall, in writing there is such a sense of calm and fulfilment. To wake up each day and do what I love most, what I have always loved most, is such a joy.
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