Two years ago, Emily's journey began. She learned the ancient magic of her Celtic ancestors, and became a modern Celtic Priestess. The golden torc, forged by faerie hands, is still wound around her arm, fused to her soul. She was entrusted with powerful magic - secret knowledge.
But even a Priestess can feel desire - temptation - and the quest for love. Will passion entice Emily to use her sacred magic in a forbidden way? Can new love take root in a world of nightmares? And will her friendships survive Emily's Trial?
The Journey Continues . . .
Goodreads Summary
Emily’s life is full of adventure and danger. Now sixteen years old, Emily is still equipped with her golden torc and magic dagger. In this novel, the reader follows Emily and her friends through a portal into a new world. Cruelty and darkness fill the new world and a dark leader, Ciardha, feeds on his subjects’ fears. Emily must fight the horror and survive.
Natalie Wright’s use of detail and imagery paint each scene in the mind of the reader. The scary world Emily travels to seems so awful, but so real. Wright did a good job developing her characters, as well. Emily truly grows as the pages turn; she matures as she fights and works. The other characters grow and change, too. I am excited to see how Emily and her friends continue to develop in the next book.
Teenagers and young adults would love Emily’s Trial. It has all the aspects of a good story and with an awesome heroine. I give this novel 4.5 out of 5 stars and eagerly await the Natalie Wright’s next book!
4 1/2 Stars
*Reviewed by Kristin*
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