Yay for a new year and new beginnings, pick a book of your choice ^^
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My resolution is to be a positive person. :D Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
~ Maida
Not yet but I would like to save more mone
Nope I don't have any resolutions! :-) I'm just going to continue to do what I'm doing - eating better and trying to buy as much organic & natural foods as we can afford!
To read more books this year:) thanks for the giveaway!
I'm hoping to pass my AP Biology & English tests :)
keep my room organized, work out, spend more time with mom
No i dont make any resolutions.. but i plan to get my bills down so i can afford more book!!!!
To eat healthier and exercise more. I know, boring.
I try not to make resolutions, I just end up breaking them and then feeling bad about myself.
One of my resolutions is to be healthier this year (diet, exercise, rest)
I've got to lose a few pounds in the new year. Thanks for the giveaway, Happy 2013!!
Try to be healthier and go camping with the family more. Hope you had a fabulous New Year's. Thanks for the giveaway.
I don't make resolutions because I never keep them. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I never make resolutions, but I do have a goal to find a good job this year.
I don't make New Year's resolutions. I can't break them, if I don't make them.
my new years resolution is to get my house more organized
I haven't thought to much about resolutions but one of them it to exercise at least two times a week
Nope,I don't make them. I am always struggling to feel good about myself and it would only make me feel worse if I didn't succeed. Just sayin...
I need to lose some weight, so that's my goal for the new year.
Happy New Year~ I have to find a job after I graduate this Spring and I need a new book shelf for all my over loaded books on my drawer, but to also spend more time blogging?
Happy New Year, my new year resolution is to lose a little weight and of course clean out all the clutter in the house
I didn't make any resolutions this year because I couldn't keep last year's. Thanks for having the giveaway.
I don't really make them because I am too afraid to fail but I did quit smoking a month ago so I'd like to stick with that!
to stop obsessing over all the little stuff
To try to be more positive and patient :) Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year!
My resolution for the new year is to try and be a better person :)
My resolution is to read at least 100 books this year.
This is my first year of absolutely no resolutions! I'm going to wing it! :D
I don't make resolutions I make goals that I try to accomplish.
No resolutions...I don't do them but I do make goals for myself throughout the year.
I want to read more books this year than I did last year :)
In terms of books, my goal is to read more non fiction and classics.
I haven't made one yet, but maybe smoke less and eventually stop all together. My kids will love that!
My resolution is to continue with my love for reading and learning!
Beth :-)
No but I'd love to continue doing well in college and read more.
I want to finish up my senior year with good memories.
I want to lose weight, read more and make more money this year!
Stay more organized! And I would like to become more fit!
I haven't made New Year's resolutions in years. But my special word for 2013 is Hope. Thanks for the giveaway.
I don't really do resolutions but I do set goals. I do plan to continue working on getting healthier by eating better and exercising more.
save more money this year, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
I want to pay off a lot of debt in 2013. Thanks for the giveaway!
To catch up on my TBR list and to get more organized :)
no i dont do resalutions but i wish everyone good luck on theres
My intention for the year is to be more loving, feel more heart-centered like I was previously (and let go of anyone/anything which doesn't support that). Thanks for hop~* :)
I would like to lose some weight. I have the equipment, just need to get the incentive.
One of my resolutions is to find more time to read... along with the continuing effort to revamp what our family eats.
Lisa Hackney
yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com
My husband and I are planning to quit smoking. So, that is our resolution. And it is a hard one, so that is the only one that we are making this year.
I'd like to be content with what I have and not be mad about what I don't have ;-)
Happy New Year!
No, I don't make New Year's resolution. Maybe just to remember that it's 2013 and not 2012. :)
To get back into the habit of riding the exercise bike hubby bought me in summer. I stopped when I got depressed after Grandma passed in late Sept. I can really fell the difference after a couple month, esp after all that holiday eating, lol.
I'm going to be trying to eat less junk/fast food & read more. :D
To get myself in better health!
Thanks so much for awesome giveaway!
I usually make resolutions, but I don't have one this year.
I probably have lots, but I haven't had time to think about it. It makes me panicky :)
I don't do resolutions, I set goals instead, and my goal is to be more productive this year.
i would like to start taking care of myself ( but i have a tendency to put other before me so it's not sure i will manage)
thank you a lot for the giveaway as always
I made a resolution to be less awesome since that's really thing I do in excess. JUST KIDDIN!!!
I don't really call them resolutions, but I have 4 goals I'm starting the year off with - to have a meaningful prayer twice a day, to read one page of scripture each day, to log my food in MyFitnessPal daily, and to write in my blogs at least once a week. I usually end up working on lots of goals throughout the year.
Only to read more of the books I already have!
I'm going to read more and eat less. Thanks for the giveaway!
One of my resolutions is to move to NYC to work in publishing. Here's hoping!
Not exactly a resolution, just an ongoing goal to use the gym in my apartment complex more!
Mine is to lose more weight.
Kathy Ross
My resolution: to spend at least one hour a day being creative (writing, painting, needle arts, etc.) as well as being fed (reading, watching something, etc.).
I'm finally getting my degree this year (20 + years) and heading to grad school
the more i answer these the more resolutions i come up with!! :D to clean my house & get rid of all things i don't need/use so the house will stay clean, to take care of myself & family with raw foods & exercise among other things, to read more for myself & with my son, to take up a meditation & yoga practice, & to have an awesome year!! :) thanks for the giveaway! it has been an inspiration for sure!
puddle_of_light at yahoo dot com
I have several and one is to get more organized at home, in my finances and with my business! Thanks!
This year, I want to have a better year in general. I want to fulfill my dream and get a teaching job. Thanks for the giveaway!
I don't make resolutions but I did say to myself that this year I WILL accomplish my reading goal (I didn't do to hot last year)
My resolution is to step out of my comfort zone and stop living on the safe side--it's time to stop being afraid to try new things!
I usually don't make resolutions but this year I resolve to lose 50 pounds!
My reolution is to TRY to eat healthier.
My resolution is to be a better blogger. I kind of got a little lazy at the end of the year. I need to fix that.
Thanks for the chance!
to finish losing the weight I want before my sons graduation at the end of may
I want to workout more and keep better records of all the books that I read. Happy New Year and thanks for the giveaway!
It's not much of a resolution but I make a goal to read 50 books this year :)
Thanks for the chance!
no resolutions, but I try to take better care of my self and read more books.
I have a goal to read 50 books this year. I was able to meet this same goal in 2012, so I have high hopes for this year too!
I didn't make a resolution. I have had goals that I want to accomplish, I'm jut going to try to keep them moving forward.
To be nicer to ME and love myself for who I am!
Ashley A
My resolution is top not put anything that consists of potatoes into my mouth!
I want to lose weight and be healthier, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Nope - I didn't make a resolution this year! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a bunch of them but one is to reach my goal weight :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My resolution is to be kinder. I am trying to do one kind thing a day.
Passing my exam and learning how to drive!
Raffle name: Nikki O
I don't have a "resolution" specifically, but I do have goals to get a lit agent, graduate from university cum laude, land a good post-grad job, and maintain a healthy weight.
Read way more books, of course, and learn to play the guitar...again ;) Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy New Year!
I didn't make a resolution this year, but probably to read more books bought on my Kindle and buy less.
I plan to organize my life this year!!
I'm working on being more healthy! Thanks for the chance!
I don't really make resolutions but I want to lose some weight this year. Thanks for the giveaway.
thompsonem at aol dot com
Yes...I am going to quit smoking. I have promised my girls I would. :D Pray that I can do this.
Happy New Year & I hope you meet your goals of 2013 to.
Happy New Year
Missie Jones
missie25524 (at) netzero (dot) com
Well first to get a new job cause the store I was working at closed on New Years Eve. :( then to read more of my books before I buy more. :P Thanks!
I don't really do resolutions, but I do want to find a full-time job now that I have finished my Ph.D.
<div align="center"><a href="http://livetoread-krystal.blogspot.com/" title="Live to Read" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsxnTQ91kOX3jIpu7Tr-Fsfmdr0gc6tWAgwSkJRDrUn8Nx8WE4ghXKyeQAxQm_dZKI9EEePee5PBiVdebIQughdwosjhFfxmwhadQqBYB6iOgLaGLFp_BmqTTn9g_kF8jl_7uSOIlTajJO/s1600/button.jpg" alt="Live to Read" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
To be happy!