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College Boys: Men of Holsum College 1 Review and $20 Gift Card Giveaway (Comment to Win!)
When soccer star Chris Fischer moves next door to an openly gay classmate, he doesn't realize the wall between their rooms will be so thin he'll hear his neighbor's every move. But soon he and Peter become friends, and Chris is intrigued—imagining what happens on the other side of the wall.
Active on the Queer Student Council, Peter Cohen wishes he wasn't so damn hot for his straight neighbor. He can't tell if Chris is flirting or in denial or what, but Chris's innocent overtures lure Peter into flirtation that throws his world into chaos. Peter doesn't want to date a closet case, but he desperately, passionately wants Chris.
Soon Chris must choose whether to run away from his new feelings or embrace a relationship with the guy he loves. And Peter must decide if he can give his heart to a guy who hasn't yet figured it all out.
Goodreads Summary
Peter and Chris live near each other and the walls are thin. Peter is openly gay while Chris is not so sure at all. Sounds like a recipe for disaster? Maybe. If anything it's a good romance!
Chris is still learning about his sexuality while Peter is more aggressive about it. One of the only glitches in the romance, to this reader, occurred when Chris just simply decided he could pursue a relationship with Peter. It was more of a "happily ever after" event, but seemed a bit unrealistic after Chris was portrayed as so sure of his heterosexuality. However, their relationship is sweet and will feel real. For such young guys, the reader may get the feeling they truly care about each other. The other characters are not focused upon as much, but round out certain events in the story.
The author has a neat style of writing. The reader is rarely left confused and every little detail is there. Although this is not the typical story for this reviewer, this book is recommended to adult readers.
3 1/2 Stars
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Daisy will be awarding a $20 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour and a $20 Barnes and Noble GC to the host with the most comments.
Peter listened to the sound of Chris stomping around next door but couldn’t figure out if Chris was trying to be loud for some reason or if he was drunk. “Hey, Chris.” Peter had been going out of his way to be extra friendly ever since their unfortunate date. Of course it hadn’t really been a date—Peter had been completely delusional thinking that it was. But regardless, their first attempt to interact outside of their connected room had been a disaster, and Peter had been trying ever since to feel back on his footing.
“Heya Pete!” The volume and cadence of Chris’s voice told Peter that he indeed was drunk. “Have a good night?”
Peter looked down at his chemistry textbook, open on his bed. He cursed the professor who had set the midterm for Friday. Most classes’ midterms had been earlier in the week, and the entire campus seemed to have started their post-test celebrations early. “Just cramming for the test tomorrow.”
“Aw, man. Forgot about that. Sucks you still have one left.”
“Yeah.” Peter closed the book and set it aside. His vision had gone blurry from hours of staring at diagrams.
“You should blow off some steam,” Chris said through the wall. His voice was different—quieter and more tentative.
Peter wasn’t sure what he meant, so he just answered, “Yeah, I’ve got a couple parties lined up for tomorrow night.”
From next door, Peter heard some moving around and then the sound of Chris’s door opening. Still, Chris’s knock startled him and Peter looked up. “Yeah? Come on in.”
He knew it was Chris, but that didn’t stop Peter from feeling lightheaded when he saw the other boy in his doorway. A red blush striped Chris’s cheeks, but Peter couldn’t tell if it was from the cold outside or if he was embarrassed. His blond hair seemed to sparkle under the hallway lights.
“Can I come in?”
Peter blinked. “Uh, sure.” He piled his books and papers onto the floor and shuffled to the far end of the bed. The only other place to sit was a chair, and Peter’s pulse raced as he wondered whether Chris would chose the seat or flop down on his mattress.
He almost swallowed his tongue when Chris did the latter, bouncing like a happy Labrador onto Peter’s bed. Peter could smell the beer and sweat on him and under that the rich masculine scent Chris always left behind in the showers.
“So, you wanna watch porn tonight?” Chris gestured over to Peter’s laptop sitting on his shelf. He stretched out, leaning back on Peter’s throw pillows as if he hadn’t just suggested something insane.
“Um…” Peter wasn’t sure how to respond. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in case he was somehow misinterpreting Chris’s suggestion. “Really?”
“Man, you should see your face.” Chris slapped his arm in that mock-fighting way he had in the car. He looked at Peter with his big, blue eyes—all innocence and temptation. “C’mon, it’s no big deal.”
Peter tried to cover his panic with a snicker. “It’s not every day someone asks me on a porn date.” He hoped Chris was too wasted to hear his voice tremble. Ever since Chris’ birthday a couple weeks back, his soccer buddies had been pushing him to drink past his limit. Normally, it pissed Peter off, but that night he was grateful Chris probably wouldn’t remember. “I should have bought you a corsage.”
“Dumbass.” Chris socked him in the arm again, though this time it was less of a slap and more of a stroke. He smiled in that good-natured, country-boy way of his. “I used to watch it with my old roommates all the time.”
Peter smirked. “How very heterosexual of you.”
Chris ignored his snide remark and used his bare foot to point at the laptop, as if he was too lazy to get out of Peter’s bed. “Load it up, man. I want to be shocked and awed.”
“Fine.” Peter stood just far enough to reach for his computer. He tried to distance himself emotionally from what was going on, even though his cock was already hard and his skin felt so tingly he worried he’d climb onto Chris’s lap.
“So, do you have a favorite site or something?” Chris curled up to cross-legged, his eyes intent on the screen. He bit his nail, looking sexy as hell—excited and curious.
God. Peter thought he was going to burst into flames. He wished he were drunk, too. Then he’d have an excuse to lean in and kiss Chris’s damp, pink lips. Peter could touch him, maybe fondle him or offer a blow job. And if Chris turned him down, he could blame it on the alcohol the next day. But unfortunately, Peter was stone-cold sober and too much of a chicken anyway. “Yeah, there are a few I like.” He tried to sound nonchalant, though his hand shook as he struggled to use the touch screen. “Some can be pretty gross.”
He opened a site that he thought wouldn’t freak Chris out too badly. The guys were clean-cut and young. The lighting was good. Everyone used condoms. “So, um…What do you wanna watch?”
Peter couldn’t look at Chris as he waited for the answer. He kept his eyes glued to the screen as if the thumbnail pictures were the most fascinating things he’d ever seen. But he listened with every fiber of his being for what Chris would reply.
“Uh…what do you mean?”
Confused, Peter turned his head to find Chris only inches from his face. Chris was looking at the computer, his body lined up with Peter’s but not touching. And unlike Peter, who had only pretended to be riveted to the screen, Chris was staring at the images with wide eyes, like he was terrified and fascinated all at once.
Author Bio:
Birkenstock-wearing glamour girl and mother of two by immaculate conception, Daisy Harris still isn’t sure if she writes erotica. Her paranormal romances start out innocently enough. However, her characters behave like complete sluts. Much to Miss Harris’s dismay, the sex tends to get completely out of hand.
If you like science-y subplots, fantastical creatures, and red-hot chemistry, you’ll love Daisy Harris.
This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.
Hi there!
Thanks for hosting me today and I'm glad you enjoyed the read.
So, commenters—what are some of your favorite characters in male-male romance? What would you like to see more of?
This looks really good! I haven't read many male-male romances, but the ones that I have I liked! Thanks for the giveaway :)
I have wanted to read College Boys since the first time I read about it, it looks like a great story. Thanks so much for the excerpt and the giveaway. This book is definitely on my must buy list.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
(it is a j after the _)
Hmm, favorite characters in male/male mean in specific books, or just preferred types of characters? I do like twinky college types for sure, so this one looks fun. Friends-to-lovers is always good, too (I've never been crazy about relationships where the people start out hating each other at first).
If you aren't sure you write erotica, let me clarify it...YOU WRITE EROTICA! LOL!
Of course, my mom's name is Daisy and my grandma's name was Daisy so the thought of a Daisy writing erotica is kinda freaking me out!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com
Wow I cant wait to read this book.
This definitely sounds interesting I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the excerpt.
Hi June, Nice to see you again!
Vitajex- I love friends to lovers, too. I wrote an enemy-to-lovers story once, but it was male-female. It's hard to do right!
Catherine—if it makes you feel any better, Daisy is my nickname and pen name, but my real name is much more boring. :)
April, Piper, LMBruken—thanks for commenting!
Julie—thanks! I try. *g*
Sounds fabulous! Thanks for the excerpt and the excellent review. I will definately have to pick this one up.
This sounds really good, I have never read any of your work. But im looking forward to it now :)
thank you
I haven't read any of her books. This looks like a nice one to start with.
Thanks for hosting. I haven't read any of her books yet. The cover is yummy though :)
I would like to read this. Thank you for the giveaway!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I didn't know this book but sounds really interesting!!
aliasgirl at libero dot it
Sounds like something I would like to read!
Hi Daisy,
First let me say i'm sorry for coming into the tour so late but i just found out about it.
i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the excerpt was wonderful. i can hardly wait to see what happens next. i bet the sparks just fly between these two. :D
thank you for the chance at such a great giiveaway. enjoy the rest of your week.
tammy ramey
Great review thanks for the great giveaway Gale
I haven't heard of this book but it sounds like something i would read. Thank you for the giveaway and hosting the giveaway. :)
Sounds like a very good book. I love to read all different kind of m/m books it really just depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
This sounds like something I'd like to read!
riverinaromantic AT aol DOT com
Thanks so much for hosting this author and giveaway !
Alyssa Susanna
Thanks for hosting, looks good.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I haven't read anything like this book before; but it sounds interesting!
Thanks for the giveaway. Havent read any of your books as of now.
Seems interesting, I have never read a book about a gay couple
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Thanks for hosting and thanks for the giveaway!
The picture below where it says post comment says "Enter To Win" "Dinner with Barack." I thought Holy Shit!!! What a fricking Nightmare!!!! I would rather cut my throat first if I won that. Thanks God that this isn't the prize. I've never read anything of yours but I'm very interested to. Thanks for the great giveaway. Congrats on the book.;-)
Interesting, caught my eyes.
Thanks for the international giveaway!!
GFC name - sweety
Mmm, I like. I want to read this :)
I actually have not heard of this book before. Sounds interesting tho! Thanks for the cool contest!
Sounds like a interesting book. I havent read this yet .
This is the first time I've heard of this book, but it sounds interesting!
Thanks for the giveaway!
me_winy AT yahoo DOT com DOT ph
Thanks for the great review and hosting this awesome giveaway!
Excerpt looks promising! Would like to read this!
Thanks for the giveaway!
leannessf at gmail dot com
Well college boys but also alpha males in paranormal m/m romance. :)
anzuazura (at) yahoo (dot) de
sounds intresting ill reccomend this novel to my friend trevor may answer some question im too uncomfortable to answer for him :)
I may have to give this book a try. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Loved the excerpt and you are too funny with the characters taking over your books and pushing them into erotica.
Would love to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Lovely, hot excerpts, which made me look forward to reading the whole book!
moonsurfer123 AT gmail DOT com
This definitely sounds like an interesting book. I don't normally read male-male romance books (in fact I never have). Honestly I'm not sure if it's a subject that would interest me. But the summary from Goodreads (and your review) does make this sound like a book that might be worth reading! Struggling with your sexuality, and romance in general, is an interesting topic.
Thansk for the giveaway and the review :)
cazzyae (at) gmail (dot) com
I have not read this kind of book. Though maybe interesting though I am not sure it would fit me.
Great Review and Summary of the book
Thanks for hosting. It sounds interesting.
ladymagic0 at
I would have to say the characters in the book Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
This book looks right up my alley. Thanks for sharing with us!
This sounds like a really great book thanks for sharing! Thanks for the great giveaway!
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- Krystal Larson
- Chicago, Illinois, United States
- I'm a young college student who has probably read over 5000 books over the course of my short life; some of the books were classics, some of the books were terrific, and some of the books were...misses. Even with the latter part I will always believe in the power of books to completely remove the reader from his/her present reality. Long Live Books! I would love to read and review books from just about any genre. To contact me: edysicecreamlover18 AT gmail DOT com Thank you for your interest! At this time, I can only accept paperback or hardcover. The finished review copies I receive are either kept in my personal collection or donated to several libaries, schools, or charities-I have no control over the finished review copies after donation. *I claim no ownership for any images used on this site. The copyrights belong to the owners. If there is a picture on this site that belongs to you, please email with a link to the post and the image will be immediately removed*
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I have not read anything by Daisy Harris yet. COLLEGE BOYS looks like a sweet read.