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150+ Book Giveaway Ned Vizzini - Int

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ned Vizzini

   House of Secrets


The Walker kids had it all: loving parents, a big house in San Francisco, all the latest video games . . . but everything changed when their father lost his job as a result of an inexplicable transgression. Now the family is moving into Kristoff House, a mysterious place built nearly a century earlier by Denver Kristoff, a troubled writer with a penchant for the occult.

Suddenly the siblings find themselves launched on an epic journey into a mash-up world born of Kristoff’s dangerous imagination, to retrieve a dark book of untold power, uncover the Walker family’s secret history and save their parents . . . and maybe even the world.

"A breakneck, jam-packed roller coaster of an adventure .” -- J.K. ROWLING.  From legendary Hollywood director Chris Columbus (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) and bestselling author Ned Vizzini (It's Kind of a Funny Story) comes the first book in an epic new fantasy series.


This is a part of the 150+ book giveaway! If you want a chance to win 50 books, or see what other authors books are up for grabs, click here

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Daniel M said...:

    probably a shifter - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  1. Anonymous said...:

    You do ask the hardest questions, don't you?
    - WeaklingNo14's Wondrous Reviews

  1. meryvamp said...:

    Vampire, hands down :)

  1. Rachel said...:

    @Sadaf I'm running out of question ideas. More then a few times I wanted to just put "what's your favorite color?"

    If you see that question on any of the rafflecopters it means I'm out of questions or I'm too lazy to think of one. :P

  1. bn100 said...:


  1. I would be a Vampire! I don't even have to think about this one! :) Vampires have a lot of awesome powers and strength and Immortality. Vampires are just so exotic and attractive and sexy. Thank you so much for this awesome book giveaway!!!

  1. Ooh, I've been eager for this book's release since I first heard about it on NPR one day!! It sounds like such great fun, and I'd love to read it to my little one when he's a bit older :) (and share with my niece and nephew in the meantime)!

    So, the more I learn about faeries and their magic and their rules and way of life, the more I think - if I ever somehow got to choose this kind of thing - I'd choose to be a faerie! Not just any faerie, mind you, but a faerie guardian just like Violet Fairdale in Creepy Hollow series by Rachel Morgan :D She. Rocks.

  1. Veronica Vasquez said...:

    I think it would be fun to be fae

  1. Berenice said...:

    Werewolf. I didn't even have to think about it, hehe. I love werewolves.

  1. sshah605 said...:

    Shifter. Definitely a Shifter !

  1. I would likely be a vampire as my obsession with them has stemmed back to early childhood. Kinda weird. but true! Either that or something else sort of... bizarre. Succubus? Siren? Hmmm. Perhaps!

  1. Kiku said...:

    I would be something I've made up myself (: But if I had to choose from common names, I'd say either shifter or a demon.

  1. I used to be really into mermaids when I was little but for the past few years I've really been into vampires. Huge shift, I know. But if I had to pick just one, I'd probably go with the mermaids

  1. Unknown said...:

    I would have to be a witch... A very powerful one lol.

  1. Amanda D said...:

    I would want to be a vampire.

  1. vanessa L said...:

    Faerie. Like a summer faerie from the Wicked Lovely series.

  1. I'd be a witch because I seriously want some magic.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Witch! Because I wanna be like Hermione Granger. :)

  1. I would be a vampire and my reason for that has always been because I want to be immortal so I can read ALL of the books ever written (as well as become a master painter and pianist).

  1. I think I would want to be someone who could manipulate the elements.. especially water! Or a witch, because MAGIC! Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! I can't wait to read this book!

  1. Carol M said...:

    I would like to be a good witch!

  1. Unknown said...:

    I've always wanted to be a fairy! I've been sorta small my whole life, so I obviously related to the tiniest creatures :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Mermaid for sure! Even though I am afraid of the ocean, LOL.

    my email: mrsjtucker2012[at]gmail[dot]com

  1. Unknown said...:

    Shifter or an Elemental, one who could manipulate one of the elements (probably water.)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Hard question.... But I think I would either want to be a shifter OR a Wizard!!!

  1. Anubha said...:

    either a Fairy or Wizard :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Witch! I want to go to Hogwarts! :D

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Either a shifter (thanks to Rachel Vincent's shifter series!) or a witch!

  1. Afrilyani F said...:

    vampire, so that i can live longer than humans and do the things i want to do haha

  1. Unknown said...:


  1. Unknown said...:

    to be with jacob I would choose werewolf

  1. If I were to be a paranormal being, I would be a shifter, for sure!

  1. I've always wanted to be a mermaid!

  1. C. said...:

    I have to say vampire because they have immortality. I would love to see how the world changes as time passes. But if I could pick again, I would definitely say a witch in Hogwarts.

  1. Christine N. said...:

    witch! i want to do magic hahaha

  1. I don't know if it counts, but I'd like to be a witch. Having magical powers would definitely be awesome.

  1. Sana said...:

    I would like to be a shifter.

  1. karin said...:

    I would be a werewolf

  1. Stacy said...:

    I think a fairy of some sort. I would want to have some magic.

  1. Unknown said...:

    I would probably be a fairy 'cause they are awesome!

    Raffle: Penny Pe

  1. Unknown said...:

    A would be a Phoenix definitely. Embracing fire, the ability to fly, and being able to be reborn. Amazing.