Jill Williamson
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The most important part is probably either the quick synopsis or a description of the characters. Both are really important to me. If the synopsis sounds bad, I don't want to read it. If the characters sound awful, I don't want to rad it either.
Character descriptions of the major characters, especially the protagonist/narrator.
To me, the most important part of a book review is the overall feelings that one had whilst reading it. I'd like to know how someone felt.
A quick synopsis, or at least the setting so that the genre and time period are roughly established.
Personal reactions are also good to include in a good book review.
I like a quick synopsis of the book with a few major characters described.
quick summary of the book, letting me know if there are any cliffhangers or no HEA
if the reviewer feels the characters are 3 dimnensional/engaging :) thanks for sharing!
The reviewer's opinion of the book overall. Details, synopses, and character descriptions are all well and good, but I want basically how that person felt about the book. Did they like it or not? What was the overall feeling they got from it? That sort of thing.
i don't really read book review, i want to find out about the book by reading it myself.
For me I look for how well written the story is. If the author rushed parts like the romance. That's what I look for.
NO SPOILERS!!! I'm not a huge fan of including quotes either, because then when I read them in the story, I know I've already seen them before. I'm also a sucker for gifs, so that's always a plus :)
I like a synopsis of the story, telling enough about it so you can decide if it's something you would enjoy reading. Thank you for the giveaway!
Bonnie Hilligoss
I like to see what the reviewer's personal thoughts about the book with examples
The overall execution of the story. Did the story even make sense? DId it keep you on the edge of your seat? And were the characters compelling and believable? Basically, an intelligent review that highlights what made this story better or worse than others they've read.
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The most important parts of a book review are the characters and the plot. I want to know if I'm going to like the people I'm reading about and if I'm going to like what they do.