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I also have a bunch of romances to hand out too and will swap those for prizes!
Don't forget about these other giveaways! Please leave comments for these wonderful authors and have fun with the other giveaways too!
$10 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway (INT)!
$25 Giftcard of Your Choosing Giveaway! (INT)
Giftbasket! (USA)
Pushing the Limits (USA/CAN)
$25 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway (INT)
The Crooked Swan Ebook Giveaway (INT) Free to the first 20 to request!
The Secret Life of Copernicus Print Copy!
Vacation Reads Giveaway (USA/CAN)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you very much for stopping by!
My mom used to get on my case too about having so many books that she would sometimes threaten me about throwing my books away.