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Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win 50 books. BEFORE ENTERING please note that some of the books you'll receive will have library stickers on it and / or are used.
Also, when the message says "Do this again tomorrow for more entries" it means put in different links, not the same one. We had this happen a few times before and it's not fair to people who play by the rules. If you keep repeating the same social media / comment links on any of the Rafflecopters you'll be disqualified. We check every entry, so don't think we'll be fooled!
Last year people didn't really know how to enter a rafflecopter properly and many didn't win because of it. PLEASE read here before entering.
All Rafflecopters end May 15th!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Unforgotten by Jessica Brody <3