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Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yay for the Holidays!  I hope you all have a great one :)  Thanks to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Kid Lit Frenzy!

Here is what you can win on this stop:

You can pick one book from these :)


  1. Unknown said...:

    Oops, I posted on a different post lol, I am writing still, almost finished with Wolf Spell, Eeek! But holidays are coming and I have four great kids and my hubby who I am blessed to spend my days with. Christmas is my favorite so its great fun here :) by the way, I'm totally loving the cover on After Obsession ;)

  1. Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

    My favorite thing is writing and receiving Christmas Cards from distant family and friends and spending time with the close ones.

  1. Julie S said...:

    Great giveaway. Thanks!
    We'll be traveling to see family this holiday. It always gets very busy this time of year.

  1. Pam said...:

    Just having a small gathering with immediate family at my sister's house.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!


  1. My husband gets 2 weeks off at christmas but we dont usually go anywhere we just stay home and spend time together. Its nice :D

  1. Lori Thomas said...:

    We have a family get together at my bro`s house

  1. Unknown said...:

    My favorite thing is giving presents and adopting a tree angel :) Great giveaway babe!!

  1. Nikki said...:

    I am just going to stay at home and spend time with my whole family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents the whole shabang!

  1. Janelle said...:

    Going to a couple of choice parties, then spending time with family & friends!
    Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous Book Lover's Holiday Hop!

  1. Kim said...:

    I am having the family come over. I am cooking this year.

  1. Thanks for the great giveaway! I will be spending time with my crazy family. Luckily, my family all live in the same state so we don't have to travel.

  1. I'm going to my Father's house and having dinner and swapping out gifts! It's a tradition that we visit him and let the kids go crazy! I can't wait! :)

  1. Tanya said...:

    I am going to visit my sister and her daughter (she's 2) for Christmas. Can't wait to spend time with them, my neice is growing so fast!!! THanks for the giveaway!

  1. Great giveaway, thanks. I will be making dinner at our house. Not sure who will be coming this year, but I enjoy cooking and hosting the dinner.
    your1chef at aol dot com

  1. Kelly said...:

    Thanks for the giveaway! For me, unfortunately, I am a nurse in a hospital and this is my year to work all of Christmas and New Years so nothing exciting for me!
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Thank you for the giveaway chance!

    Would love to win After Obssession!

    Holiday plans are to spend Christmas Eve watching Christmas themed movies with my family all day - and then Christmas day with in-laws and my new daughter in law, starting new traditions with her =D

    Gena Robertson

  1. The holidays will be simple for us. My parents, me and my daughter spending the couple days together. I can't wait for Christmas morning to see my daughters face when she sees what Santa has brought her :)

  1. Machell said...:

    This is our first year living in Alaska (from California) so will be staying at home with the kids and a white christmas

  1. We will be going to my sisters to have a big meal, open presents and then play some board games.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  1. My holidays are going to be quite busy! I am going to visit my family in FL for a week (right before Christmas) and THEN I have about 5 Christmas parties to attend with my hubby. It's going to be crazy! lol but I am excited :)

    Thank you so much for your fab giveaway!

  1. Nedraw said...:

    Thanks for a great giveaway. I also have Christmas at my house with my daughters, their husbands and beautiful grandchildren. Lots of people , food and fun.

    GFC Nedraw

  1. Lolawid said...:

    We're probably sticking close to home for the Holidays. However, my sister that lives all the way across the country is coming to town, and I get to hang out with her!! Thanks!!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    as always I'll be with my family on Christmas. we have a lot of fun.

  1. I will be traveling to see my family and hopefully go to Yosemite to see snow.

  1. Liese2 said...:

    Staying home with the family! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  1. Amy Denim said...:

    Ohh, interesting choices for the giveaway. I'm gonna go with one I've never even heard of. Hit me with A Pinch of Cool.

  1. Going to see family. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I don't have plans for Christmas yet. My family decides things last minute. The day before Thanksgiving we decided to have Thanksgiving at my aunt's house. Christmas will probably be the same.

    I am most looking forward to having extra time to read and look at the beautiful snow!

  1. Andrea said...:

    I'm just spending time with my family.

  1. Holly said...:

    I'll be on break from school, so I'm looking forward to catching up with friends and family, and catching up on sleep!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    For the holidays I am going to visit family in another state. We open presents in the morning and have a small family dinner at night. We always watch Christmas movies all night and fix hot chocolate!
    I always look forward to it!

    GFC follower: echika
    email: echika[at]insightbb[dot]com

  1. druidgirl said...:

    Great giveaway! Will be spending time
    with the family. Happy Happy Holidays
    to you and yours


  1. Unknown said...:

    Thank for the Give Away.. I'll be spending time with family...

  1. Julianne said...:

    Decorating the house for Christmas. Spending time family members, baking cookies.

  1. ann said...:

    Spending time at home with my family and enjoying the grandkids opening their presents and good food to.

    amhengst at verizon dot net

  1. I'm sending my youngest daughter to Chicago to spend Christmas with my oldest daughter. They are gonna have so much fun! That makes me sooo happy. DI'll be decorating the tree and doing some baking.

    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  1. Denise Z said...:

    We have a very small family locally and generally spend the holidays together with quiet fun and food!


  1. I'm visiting family for the holidays.


  1. I will be visiting my parents, aunts, grandparents and in-laws for the holidays! Now I just have to find out who gets christmas eve and who gets christmas day! lol

  1. I will be spending time with my family. Thanks for the chance to win!

  1. Darlene said...:

    My siblings and I, together with our families, all gather at my parents' house on Christmas Day. We have our big Christmas lunch followed by gift giving. Lots of good food and fun!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC Darlene
    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  1. I would love After Obsessions. So good.

    GFC-Grace Fonseca

  1. Lots of traveling to be with my family and my honey's...Looking forward to it though!

    Great giveaway Krystal! Total want After Obsession!

  1. Suz said...:

    Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win! I will be spending the Holidays with family and friends and eating lots of goodies!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  1. ebaker said...:

    So far just the normal going to my parents house and having an awesome Christmas dinner! We are still thinking about traveling somewhere but since it's getting close probably not :(

  1. Hi, Krystal!!

    I have just entered your giveaway, and would like to win "After Obsession".

    BTW, you have a GORGEOUS blog!! LOVE it!! Believe it or not, I won't enter a giveaway if the blog design doesn't blow me away, no matter how tempting the giveaway prizes might be. I just don't like boring-looking blogs, but yours certainly isn't one of those! Of course, I also look for great content, and you certainly have that, as well!

    Have a very happy holiday season!!

    Come on over and check out my own Book Lover's Giveaway!

  1. Geez, how could I forget! Thank you so much for the GREAT giveaway!! : )

  1. We will be home this year with my family. It should be lovely!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  1. nodizzies said...:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

    I will be celebrating with friends and family, esp since my birthday is a few days after Christmas!

  1. Thank you so much always wanted to read this book sounds so good! I will be having Christmas at home with my mom!

  1. Becca said...:

    We always go to my aunt's house a few hours south of us.

  1. Laura H. said...:

    Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! Unfortunately, this time of year is the busiest at my job so aside from spending Christmas day with my family, I'll be working! :-(

  1. Cindy said...:

    Thank you for the chance to win giveaway.
    I will be spending time with family, laughing, eating and enjoying good company.

  1. donnas said...:

    Thanks for the chance!

    I will be spending the time with my family.

  1. We will be going to Chicago to celebrate Christmas with Grandma and "Drunk" Santa (it's a long story :-) )

  1. I'm so happy I'll behome for the holidays. Last year we stayed ay my mother-in-laws and I was totally depressed. Not this year :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    I'll be spending Christmas eve with my dad's family. It's a tradition that my grandparents started & that my uncle has kept going. Then Christmas morning, my mom & I will make a big breakfast of home fries, gravy, biscuits, eggs & fruit. Present opening will follow, then I'll probably head off for my best friends house, to celebrate with her 5 kids. It will be a busy 2 days, but loads of fun.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  1. We are staying home for Christmas, but are traveling to Lake Havasu next weekend to spend time with our whole family. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.


  1. Amanda said...:

    Just hanging out with family! :)

  1. Thank you for the giveaway! I'll be spending the holidays with my family.

  1. Adri said...:

    I will be spending time with my family!!! soo happy. oh and i will be turning 22!!

  1. For the holidays, I will be spending time with my friend who I don't get to see very often since she lives in Canada and my family.

  1. erin said...:

    thanks for the giveaway! Not doing too much for the holidays. Taking care of a relative that just had surgery :(

  1. Kati said...:

    I'll be ice skating on the beach and visiting family in Texas. :)

  1. books4me said...:

    I am so excited as we are going home to Wisconsin for the holidays! It has been years since we've been back!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  1. All my family is coming in so mostly cooking and feeding them.

  1. I'm going home to MS to see my family!

    Kelsey d

  1. AimeeKay said...:

    visiting relatives on Christmas eve and then spending Christmas day with my family.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Happy Holidays!

  1. Shadow said...:

    My family will be spending time together. We have another Thanksgiving type dinner and watch movies and play games. We have a blast!

  1. Mona said...:

    We will be having a family reunion next week. Besides that, it will be quiet. We will probably just drive around to look at Christmas lights and decorations and take advantage of holiday sales.

    We don't actually celebrate Christmas but we may put up a tree and wrap some presents for my daughter. She's at the age(6 1/2) where she observes what's going on around her. We wouldn't want her to miss out on anything. My parents did the same for my brother and I.

  1. Every year for Christmas, we get together with my husband's parents, sibs and their children at a lodge. There are about 40 of us now. Crazy times! But I love it!!

  1. Ruth said...:

    Staying home and enjoying my time off.

  1. A'lina said...:

    For the holidays I will be visiting family and then spend the rest of the time at my sisters with my adorable nephews!

  1. Well, we just moved back to our home state and have been a long ways from home for almost 5 years. I'm excited to actually be among family for the holidays!!!!