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Kick-Butt Characters Hop!

Friday, March 22, 2013
You can win an advance copy of:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. fifi said...:

    nope.needa work -.-

  1. Say said...:

    Is this Internatioal? I joined. Hope to win.

  1. Unknown said...:

    Going to visit family in Pennsylvania.

  1. nayjf said...:

    I always have to work during spring break


  1. Desiree said...:

    I have plans to go on a few big hikes, but I have a sinus and ear infection so I don't know if its gonna happen:(

  1. Nope, spring break in Australia meant just the usual of seeing friends and family for christmas/new years :)
    ARC Review: Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

  1. erin said...:

    Nope... don't have spring break, so just work :(

  1. aLilLacey said...:

    We had a picnic when then sun was actually our for five minutes.

  1. Unknown said...:

    I don't know yet !
    Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    I don`t have Spring Break anymore.
    Thanks! :)

  1. tfalick said...:

    I get a week without my kids. I'm spending the week reading and horseback riding!!!!

  1. holdenj said...:

    Not this year! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    We don't have spring break here! Just summer break :(

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Don't have anything too fun planned, but there will be lots of hanging out with the family and hopefully getting outside to enjoy some rain-free weather!

  1. Carmen B. said...:

    We don't really have spring break here the way Americans do - it's basically just a week off from university around easter to catch up on studying and paper writing :P I don't know what I'll be doing yet. Find some time to relax, hopefully.

  1. Alexju said...:

    No plans so far, just relaxing. Thank you for the giveaway!

  1. not really. Just work, relax, and read books :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Being unemployed I don't have a spring break per se, but my dad took a week off two weeks ago and we went down to Florida to watch an Atlanta Braves spring training game.

  1. Not doing anything for spring break except reading. Thanks for this chance.

  1. CBarton said...:

    We are going to visit the grandparents for Easter/birthdays/spring break. Looking forward to it.


  1. tammy216 said...:

    No solid plans, I'm just hoping to relax and read :)

  1. Kristia said...:

    I don't have a spring break, so work work work lol :)

  1. Jillyn said...:

    I went to my girlfriend's house in Wisconsin. Yup, I went somewhere colder for spring break -___-

    Thanks for the giveaway

  1. flychild7 said...:

    Not much, just rested

  1. Meghan said...:

    I'm going to Boston. Unfortunately, I'm sick and we leave Monday. Hope I'm feeling better by then!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  1. I'm working through spring break, however, I have a friend coming to visit, so I'm really hoping to have at least a little bit of fun! :D

  1. Majuchan said...:

    We don't have spring here in the Philippines, but whether it is a wet season or dry season here, I'm always reading. xD

  1. Katiria said...:

    Sorry I don't have no plan for spring break thanks for the givaway!

  1. bn100 said...:

    no plans

  1. Unknown said...:

    I have no plans so the only thing that I will be doing is spending the time with my son since he will be out of school, spring cleaning and doing so reading. Thanks for the exciting giveaway!!

  1. well I really wanted to visit this puppet museum close to where I live, but it's a four hour drive and I don't drive. So more likely than not I'll just be at my boyfriend's house.

  1. Not really...just the usual :)

  1. We are going to a soccer tournament for my son in the Salt Lake area. Yay for Spring Break!

  1. Amanda D said...:

    Baseball practice starts that week for my boys. We have family visiting from out of town and I plan to take them to the movies and the zoo. I also want to paint atleast one of their bedrooms and the bathroom.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Spending time with my kids while their out of school.

  1. Veronica said...:

    Our spring break was awhile ago, and I went to my hometown

  1. Unknown said...:

    I don't really have a spring break but lately I have been watching a bunch of movies... Harry Potter movies, Lord of the Rings trilogy extended edition... I'm not sure what I plan to watch next! Oh and I am reading a lot... Right now I am reading Falling Kingdoms and A Storm of Swords!

  1. Kasee said...:

    My son's college spring break was 2 weeks ago - so we went camping, per his request. Riding quads, campfires, and long conversation-inducing truck rides. Awesome. My daughter's spring break is next week, though, and we are just kicking back and relaxing at home.

  1. We don't have spring in my country, but we're now on summer and my summer goal is to finish my tbr tower. :D

  1. Christine said...:

    I just relaxed and read a ton :)

  1. Debora B said...:

    We don't really have a spring breal where I live, so... No, I think :P

  1. Unknown said...:

    We don't get spring break. Our days were taken away when the kids were out of school or over a week after Hurricane Sandy and then for days after that horrible blizzard.

  1. Joanne said...:

    Not doing anything for Spring Break except taking care of the kids and hoping it will stop snowing.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I don't think I'd have a break

  1. andie said...:

    Spent it with the kids and loved them being home.

  1. RILEKAT said...:

    Going to a geocaching Easter egg hunt on Saturday with the granddaughters.

  1. Michelle said...:

    My spring break is OVER :( and I didn't do anything good at all... execpt watch the finale of PLL on AbCFamily. Pretty sad that that was the highlight of my vaca!

  1. mon said...:

    Nothing special. Just read a lot of books in my TBR pile and have Korean drama marathon

  1. Nah! Just a good old, boring time at home with my husband and our dogs! That works for me!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Its still snowing over here so no =(

  1. Mona said...:

    Nope, nothing planned. Unless...we plan to go ahead with our out-of-state move.

    Thanks :)

  1. Nope, I've got nothing planned. No money. :(

  1. I wouldn't call it fun but I’m going to be moving over the break. YAY fun!! I am so not looking forward to moving. Hate moving. I’d rather be going to the beach with my kids and grandson and having fun and enjoying this amazing weather!! Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  1. Daniel M said...:

    what break? no breaks in the real world - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  1. Hannah said...:

    Not that I am aware of sadly.

  1. mk said...:

    Well no Spring Break for me this year. Finals are coming up so I have a lot to study. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    I just did! I just came backk from a 4 day beach vacation. :)

  1. Darlene said...:

    I took my girls snow-tubing on Tuesday with my sister and her kids. Today, we are going to the local no-kill shelter to spend time in the cat rooms to play with them and then tomorrow we're colouring eggs!

  1. kara said...:

    For spring break this year, I'm going to the beach!

  1. LisaILJ said...:

    I'm old. I haven't had a spring break in years.