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Dead Running by Cami Checketts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dead Running

Cassidy Christensen is running.
Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents.
Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable.
Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.
With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she’ll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them? When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.

Goodreads Summary

Checketts is an amazing author. I’ve never read a book by her before and now I’m putting all of them on my to-read list! Cassidy (Cassie) Christensen was pressured to run a 5k marathon by her sister-in-law and wasn’t very happy about it. A very handsome man came up and said he’d train with her. Come on… a cute man training with you almost every day? Yes, please. After a while, she figures out some people might not be friends and trust becomes an issue.

The first thing I want to say: relating to characters and their development is key to a great book. If someone annoys me by making huge stupid mistakes and not learning from them, whining, tons of angst… Krystal always has to tell me to calm down. I just get so passionate with characters that anger me and, sadly Krystal has to hear me yelling about it for months. ANYWAY, this book has the opposite problem. I want more Cassie! She’s a kick butt woman who works hard and is SMART. Humor is everywhere in this book and I ended up laughing many times.  All of the characters are relatable. So much development is poured into the story and characters; I just wonder why other authors can’t do that. Mind you, it doesn’t take away from the plot. No, it adds to it. All of her friends and two guys that are swooning over her have some sort of nickname and quirk that makes them different from each other. Everyone has a distinctive personality, no one is one-dimensional.

The suspense, mystery, and romance don’t disappoint. When you think you’ve figured out who the bad guy is, BAM! The whole book keeps you on your toes and the plot doesn’t move too fast or too slow.  This is probably the most amazing book based on the characters alone I have read in a long time. Seriously, I can’t get over how much I loved all of the characters. It’s like book instalove.

5 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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  1. Thank you, Rachel! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this fabulous review. I am so happy that you love Cassidy. She completely cracks me up and I love it when readers get her!
    Thanks again!

  1. Blogger10 said...:

    Great review! I will need to check this one out. Character development is SO important if I'm going to enjoy a book.

  1. Evie said...:

    This story sounds intriguing and I'm surprised that there are fun moments in it.

  1. The one thing that makes me curious about this book is the apparently awesome characters. I mean, if they are genuinely that amazing, then how could I pass it up. So many books that have such awesome stories suffer from lack of character development, or developed characters that really suck. This sounds like it could be a good story!

  1. bn100 said...:

    Sounds suspenseful