That's a loaded question. So many ways to answer that one question. Everyone -- young and old -- sometimes has hard days. It's always great to go home and read about a hero that saves the princess, a mystery that keeps you on your toes, adventure that jumps off the page... endless stories that fill your mind and leave you with stories yourself. If a book is made into a movie, people say they'd rather sit down for three hours than read for longer. What I say to that: You're missing out.
Why do I love YA books? Because they take you away from your real life. They make you THINK and make you use your mind in different ways. I sometimes am left with characters in my mind making more adventures for them. That's where fan fiction comes in. Books will sometimes leave you with questions and answers that are left in the dust, but young adult readers take that ending and make another one using their interpretation of the character. I know plenty of people who like other readers' endings better than the authors'.
The answer to your question is: it can take you anywhere. In relationships with the characters, fear from the monsters that are described, romance that you've always wanted, adventures where the most random characters fit together can make a book memorable and exceptional. Friendships are made, love is given, and laughs are handed out like candy in YA books.

Authors, please don't think I've forgotten you. If you're reading this blog post I want to thank you for all the stories you've given me. You've taken a dream, poem, random thought... anything that sparked your mind and made it known. No matter what the reviews say, you've made a positive impact with society. Your creation is being shared, and is something to be treasured. Many people have said the words "I want to become a writer!" but given up when it gets tough.
This blog post is very sincere. I've never really answered this question, and once I started it was hard to stop. The question has so many answers and directions, other bloggers surely have different reasons why it's precious to them. Reading is the love of my life (and something that will never break up with me); I'm glad to be a blogger and share that love with others. The books you're giving away are amazing, but what really counts is how involved you are with the community. I'm very glad to be a blogger and a part of a world where my thoughts and feelings matter. The young adult genre will always be my favorite. It's what I grew up with, how I learned lessons, and what will always take me on my own adventure.
Thank you,

I much prefer books to movies too!