1. What can the reader look forward to from The Watch Dog?
Readers can look forward to a heartfelt story with multidimensional characters. I want each reader to take away something special from this book. There are parts to make people laugh, parts to make them cry, and parts to warm their heart.
2. Garrett seems like a complicated character, was it difficult to write about him or construct his character?
Garrett was difficult to create at first. I couldn't get past his closed mind and anger to dig deeper. It wasn't until I wrote those first scenes with him interacting with the ghost dog, Brownie, that I figured him out. It became easier and easier to understand him after that. By the end of the book, I felt like he was my best friend even though I would have steered clear of him in the beginning.
3. What was your favorite scene to write about?
This is a hard question to answer! I loved writing the ghostly scenes because it was something new for me and that sort of thing fascinates me. One of my favorite scenes, though, is when Garrett finds Cori's dog in the middle of the night. I love how tough Cori tries to be around Garrett and how his remorse for bullying her starts to show through.
4. Would you ever consider becoming a character in this book? If so, who?
I would love to be Cori. I want to be able to sing like her! I like how sassy and sweet she is. I also wouldn't mind being Garrett's boss, Luanne. She has a fun personality, even if she is a little crazy at times.
5. Were there any characters particularly easy or hard to write about?
Pastor Philip was fairly easy to write since he was based off one of my best friends. However, it also became difficult to write him because Garrett doesn't like Philip in the book. Since Garrett is the main character, sometimes his views can become the reader's views and I don't want anyone dislike Philip!
6. What can we look forward to from you next?
I have quite a few books in the works, but next I'm focusing on another part of The Dream Catchers Series. Writing that series is like getting together with old friends so I'm looking forward to it. After that, I have a few supernatural stories I've been holding onto over the years that I plan to work on. I am also pondering a sequel to The Watch Dog, so we'll see!
“The Watch Dog” is available now on Amazon & Lulu. For more info and excerpts: www.sandy-lo.com.
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I love reading books with pets in it, especially dogs and I would enjoy this storyline very much.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com