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Sweetest Taboo Guest Post and Giveaway!

Sunday, September 30, 2012
Inspired by Controversy
By Eva Márquez

Let me take the opportunity to introduce you to my work and the inexplicable passion I have for writing. I began formal writing when I was thirteen years old, encouraged by my dedicated and driven middle school English teacher. At a young age, I read the book Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews and it intrigued me to the point of inspiration. It was not long before I began typing stories up on my DOS-operated computer. Even in my early teens, I focused on writing about female characters that found themselves in difficult situations while also scheming to find a way out of them. My short stories shed light on my fascination with conflict and what lies beneath the surface, and people’s struggle in finding a resolution. At sixteen I wrote my first novella, which was truly the beginning of my writing career.

Talent and skill alone do not ‘make’ an author, context and lived experiences are great compliments to the creative writing process. I grew up as an immigrant in a lower-middle class Southern California suburb. So I tapped into that experience in writing my debut novel, Sweetest Taboo, which unravels the love affair between a young Hispanic schoolgirl and her much older, married teacher. I drew from my experiences growing up to develop several plot ideas. Romantic experiences are universal. Provocative, illicit and risqué contexts do not take away from the experience of love, and that’s what this debut book sets out to communicate.

I was also intrigued by the news of one of one of my former high school teachers being convicted of [sexual] misconduct with a minor. Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by similar stories making the news, but like many people, wondered about how these relationships originate and how they flourish under the radar. In Sweetest Taboo, I got to unravel a clandestine relationship, one exciting page at a time.

Although I did not intend for Sweetest Taboo to part of a series or trilogy, several readers (and now fans!) have provided critical feedback that has made me think twice about the nature of my debut novel. Readers really want to know what happens next. Without spoiling any plots, I can safely say that readers want to know what happens next. Sweetest Taboo does not end the way readers expect, and there is a natural, so now what? element to the novel. My readers have inspired me to work a sequel, which I have been writing diligently over the past several months. Readers can expect complex and somewhat disturbing revelations, some disappointments, and definitely some tears. The stories I weave always include trials and tribulations, but they will also include redemption and hope.

My links:
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Author bio:

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, daughter of European immigrants, Eva Márquez has spent most of her life outside of her home country. At the age of five, Eva accompanied her parents to the United States, where the family settled permanently. After graduating from university, she went on to complete graduate studies in International Relations in Spain. Eva received her Master of International Studies degree from the University of Sydney and went on to work in the global health field in Sub Saharan Africa and South East Asia. Eva currently resides in Southern Africa.

Eva will award a Kindle touch to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour, and a swag pack of goodies to one commenter at each stop. She'll award a $25 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn host.

Winner Announcements!

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Huge Book Giveaway: Clenna, Heather, Lexi R, and Jessie!

Last Days of Freedom: Amanda!

Entice:  Jasmyn!

What Happens Next:  Rachael

Clean Reading Giveaway Hop: Kayla!

Books To Movies:  Amy!

Under the Sea:  Jennifer!

Back To School: Anna!

Chasing the Skip by Janci Patterson

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ricki’s dad has never been there for her. He’s a bounty hunter who spends his time chasing parole evaders—also known as “skips”—all over the country. But now since Ricki’s mom ran off, Ricki finds herself an unwilling passenger in a front-row seat to her father’s dangerous lifestyle.
            Ricki’s feelings get even more confused when her dad starts chasing seventeen-year-old Ian Burnham. She finds herself unavoidably attracted to the dark-eyed felon who seems eager to get acquainted. But Ricki thinks she’s ever in control—the perfect manipulator. Little does she know that Ian isn’t playing their game by her rules.

Goodreads Summary

Ricki's family is broken.  Her dad is a bounty hunter who never seems to have enough time for her while her mom ran off and has since ignored her.  Ricki isn't happy and feels like no one cares about her.  She is at that critical age where she cares if someone isn't caring about her.  When she meets Ian, as teen that her dad is hunting, she finds herself drawn to him, but is she mature enough to know Ian's true intentions?

Ricki is a different character than what I was used to.  Half the time I felt bad for her, but the other half I thought she was acting selfishly.  Her dad had buried himself in his work out of grief from losing his wife, and though this is not an excuse to ignore his daughter, it seemed like Ricki didn't give him a break.  Ian is easy to see through.  The reader will know that he isn't a "good kid" right away.  Motivated by purely selfish reasons, he takes advantage of anyone to get ahead.  The other characters were not overly significant, they moved the plot along, but were not focused upon.

The plot was very unique.  This was one of the only books I have read for young adult fiction that involved bounty hunting, it was a very interesting topic.  The characters took a little getting used to, but the reader will find that it is worth it in the end.  The ending was incredibly satisfying, focusing more on Ricki's relationship with her father than on the terrible Ian.  This book is recommended to young adult/teen readers.

4 Stars

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On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves

Saturday, September 29, 2012

When thirty-year-old English teacher Anna Emerson is offered a job tutoring T.J. Callahan at his family's summer rental in the Maldives, she accepts without hesitation; a working vacation on a tropical island trumps the library any day. T.J. Callahan has no desire to leave town, not that anyone asked him. He's almost seventeen and if having cancer wasn't bad enough, now he has to spend his first summer in remission with his family - and a stack of overdue assignments - instead of his friends.
Anna and T.J. are en route to join T.J.'s family in the Maldives when the pilot of their seaplane suffers a fatal heart attack and crash-lands in the Indian Ocean. Adrift in shark-infested waters, their life jackets keep them afloat until they make it to the shore of an uninhabited island.
Now Anna and T.J. just want to survive and they must work together to obtain water, food, fire, and shelter. Their basic needs might be met but as the days turn to weeks, and then months, the castaways encounter plenty of other obstacles, including violent tropical storms, the many dangers lurking in the sea, and the possibility that T.J.'s cancer could return. As T.J. celebrates yet another birthday on the island, Anna begins to wonder if the biggest challenge of all might be living with a boy who is gradually becoming a man.

Goodreads Summary

How would you react if you found yourself stranded on an island with only one other person for company? What if that person was much younger or much older than you?  Do age restrictions even apply far away from society?  These are some questions that are addressed in this book. 

Anna thought she was going to be a teacher to a sick teenager.  Instead, she receives a nasty surprise when their plane crashes.  Anna and T.J. must work together to ensure their survival in their harsh landscape.  T. J. went from wanting to survive cancer to trying to survive on an island with few supplies.  They manage to build a shelter and search for fresh water and food.  The reader will love following their (mis)adventures as they navigate their new lifestyles away from societal norms. 

The reader will hear from both Anna and T. J. as they tell their stories in alternating points of view.  Anna and T.J. are both brave and driven, that's the only way they could possible be to survive.  They form a solid friendship that evolves past the boundaries of teacher and student.  After a couple of years and when T.J. has passed the age of consent, their relationship deepens.  Their love for each other is clear and pure.   I loved how they interacted during the novel, there weren't really any necessities or acting going on.  How will their relationship change if they are rescued and must integrate into society once again?

The plot of this book isn't particularly unique, but Tracey Garvis Graves will have the reader believing that everything in this book is truly "novel" (to make a pun).  The romance, action, and the idea that at any time either one of the characters could die made this book impossible to put down.  On the Island is recommended to adult readers.

5 Stars

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Blogger Award Voting Starts Sunday Sept. 30th

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Welcome to the 2012 Blogger Awards

What is a blogger award?
People will submit their blogs in two categories listed below. They have to put up ONE ARC (if you don’t have one, a book that just came out that’s popular will work) in order to join. Followers will be able to vote on the category and the losers have to give up their ARC to the winners.

Biggest Heart: Who is the most generous with giveaways. 
Best Layout: A blog layout that's better than any other.
Best New Blog: A new blog (one with 500 followers or less) that catches your eye the most.

Most Entertaining: Bloggers that posts reviews that are entertaining. 
-- Now in voting! Click here to support your blog!

- You must choose TWO categories, not more or less
- Please enter once
- You may advertise on your blog to get more votes
- No putting down / shunning other blogs
- If you don't have an ARC it must be a new popular book. (Anna Dressed In Blood, Vessel ect.)
- Submitting your blog will end October 6th.

- eBooks are fine


Live to read

Live to read

Books currently up for grabs:

(Try again next year?)

Mother of Pearl by Kellie Coates Gilbert

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Barrie Graeber has two great kids, a loving husband, and a respected job as the high school counselor in her close-knit community. Without warning, everything unravels when her teenage daughter, Pearl, is betrayed by friends and lashes out.
Nothing prepares this mother for the helplessness that follows when her attempts to steer her daughter back on course fail and Pearl shuts her out . . . or when she discovers the unthinkable about her nemesis, the football coach. Emotionally riveting and profoundly moving, Mother of Pearl brings us into the heart of a mother bound by an incredible burden, who ultimately finds she must recognize her own vulnerability and learn to trust in something much bigger.

Goodreads Summary

This book is very aptly named.  How do you fix your daughter when you don't even know how to approach the situation?  Barrie's daughter Pearl suffers a fairly huge betrayal by her friends and reacts badly.  Pearl is no longer acting like herself and everything is going downhill, Barrie's perfect life has been interrupted. 

It's really interesting that this book revolves around the daughter, but is written from the mother's point of view.  That viewpoint added so much to the book that a reader would ordinarily miss.  Barrie's clear love for her daughter is admirable, but can she turn Pearl around?  Barries' character is probably the most dynamic.  She goes from happy as can be to down in the dumps.  Her faith in God and herself is shaken.  She undergoes major changes during the book, the reader will love finding out how Barrie is reacting and will enjoy sympathizing with her as well.  Pearl's character is bratty, a little out of control, but the reader will understand why the more he/she delves into Mother of Pearl.  This book isn't so much about why Barrie begins to lose and question her faith, but about how her questions strengthened her. 

With a rocky start and volatile characters, the reader may be worried about the ending.  Fortunately, Kellie Coates Gilbert handles everything with ease.  Cleverly tying up the knots and reinforcing her original message, the conclusion to this book is deeply satisfying.  Mother of Pearl is recommended to adult readers.

4 Stars

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Have a Nice Day by Julie Halpern

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Anna Bloom has spent the last three weeks in a mental hospital dealing with her depression, conspiring with her fellow inmates, and tripping through first love. But now she's out, where does she stand? Is she too crazy to fit in with her normal friends? Is she too normal to fit in with her mental hospital friends? The sequel to GET WELL SOON answers the questions readers want to know: How do you go back to normal after you just got out of a mental hospital?

Goodreads Summary

Just how do you act and feel when you are released from a mental hospital?  In Have a Nice Day, the reader will get to experience Anna Bloom's reactions in both a hysterical and realistic way.  For Anna,  a lot has changed.  She has a better grip on her depression, but there are factors that affect her in such a way that her depression or unease may return.  For one, her parents are fighting.  Anna knows that fighting parents are never good, will they divorce or separate?  The second thing that bothers Anna is Justin.  At the hospital, she had a relatively huge crush on him.  Does Justin still like her or is being normal overrated?  She isn't entirely sure how her friends will react either.  Will they reject her?

Anna's character is interesting.  Some readers may see her psychiatric illness as odd, while others will see it as personal growth when she recovers.  She does stick with life, trying to get back in the groove.  Her worry over Justin and her parents may be viewed as sweet.  I loved how she includes the reader in nearly every aspect of her life, even talking about her reformed Jewish heritage.  Her parents' characters can be a little frustrating.  Even they tell her that their arguing has nothing to do with her, Anna can't help but wonder.  The other characters are more secondary and are utilized almost as furniture or to push the plot along.  Justin adds a little bit of romance to the novel.  With Anna's great character and the interesting take on returning from a mental hospital, this book is recommended to young adult/teen readers.

4 Stars

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Promised by Caragh O'Brien

Saturday, September 29, 2012
After defying the ruthless Enclave, surviving the wasteland, and upending the rigid matriarchy of Sylum, Gaia Stone now faces her biggest challenge ever.  She must lead the people of Sylum back to the Enclave and persuade the Protectorat to grant them refuge from the wasteland.  In Gaia's absence, the Enclave has grown more cruel, more desperate to experiment on mothers from outside the wall, and now the stakes of cooperating or rebelling have never been higher.  Is Gaia ready, as a leader, to sacrifice what--or whom--she loves most?

Goodreads Summary

Promised, the conclusion to the Birthmarked series, offers up a perfect ending.  Gaia must find a way to get the people of Sylum to the Enclave, they need rescuing from the wastelands.  However, the Enclave is not quite how she remembered it; there are terrible experiments being carried out on mothers with a wary eye on any possible dissenters.   For Gaia's wish of sanctuary to be granted, the Enclave will require a terrible sacrifice.  Will Gaia find the courage to respond to the outrageous request?

Gaia's character is realistic.  She's not trying to please the reader, she's trying to make the best out of a very difficult situation.  She has a bleeding heart, she cares deeply for the people of Sylum and her loves ones.  She wants to give them the best possible outcome.  The decisions and feelings Gaia experiences are raw.  Not all of the decisions are easy to agree with, but the reader will likely see the logic in them.  There are a few new characters in this book and some that return from the first.  The characters will give the reader a variety of reactions, some good, some bad, and some might leave a bad taste in the reader's mouth. 

The plot itself is just as intricately fashioned as the first two books.  There is a continuation of the general plot from book one, but the author has thrown in more than a few twists that will have the reader avidly turning the pages.  The ending is both shocking and somewhat satisfying, it will likely live on in the reader's memory for a long time.  This book is recommended to young adult/teen readers.

3 1/2 Stars

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Emily's Dress and Other Missing Things by Kathryn Burak

Saturday, September 29, 2012

When Claire’s best friend Richy went missing, he disappeared without a trace. But when Emily Dickinson’s dress goes missing from the Amherst museum, she knows exactly where it is: in her closet.
As Claire and her student teacher, Tate, attempt to figure out what do to about the dress, they begin to uncover the truth behind Richy's disappearing act. Following a trail of clues across state lines, Claire and Tate attempt to find the person that Claire knows in her gut is responsible for his disappearance.

Goodreads Summary

Claire has recently moved to retake her last year in high school; her past is not something she wants to discuss, but some mysteries that are arising just may force her to confront it.  There are two mysteries in Emily's Dress and Other Missing Things:  a missing persons case and the stolen dress of Emily Dickinson.  The pacing of this book reminded me of Emily Dickinson's poems.  The book includes a swatch of romance, layers of mystery, and a dramatic, but sad past.  Even with these elements, the story can't really be called fast-paced, this isn't a book that the reader will avidly finish in one sitting, but somehow that makes perfect sense. 

Claire's character may be a little difficult to get to know and love.  She isn't the type to open up and spill her grief to her listener.  The reader will slowly peel back the layers of her past until full understanding sets in.  Her moody ways fit perfectly with Emily Dickinson's interspersed poems.  Claire writes poems as well and the reader should be able to see the parallel.  The other characters add a great deal to the story; the secondary characters are not the type to just sit back and let the action flow over them. The ending is a little expected with a twist, a perfect conclusion to this particular book.  Overall, Emily's Dress and Other Missing Things is recommended to middle grade/teen readers.

3 1/2 Stars

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Heaven by Alexandra Adornetto

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Only sixteen when she started the series, Ally Adornetto knows how teen hearts beat, and this long-awaited conclusion is certain to be her most popular book yet.
Bethany, an angel sent to Earth, and her mortal boyfriend, Xavier, have been to Hell and back. But now their love will be put to its highest test yet, as they defy Heavenly law and marry. They don’t tell Beth’s archangel siblings, Gabriel and Ivy, but the angels know soon enough, and punishment comes in a terrifying form: the Sevens, who are rogue angels bent on keeping Beth and Xavier apart, destroying Gabriel and Ivy, and darkening angelic power in the heavens.
The only way Bethany and can elude the Sevens is to hide in the open, and blend in with other mortals their own age. Gabriel and Ivy set them up at college, where they can’t reveal their relationship, and where there is still danger around each corner. Will Bethany be called back to Heaven – forever – and face leaving the love of her life?

Goodreads Summary

For readers who enjoyed the first two books, this one will be a treat.  Bethany and Xavier have been working to stay together and keep their love alive despite all odds.  When they decide to marry, the have crossed a line that no angel has crossed before.  Bethany is in immediate danger and the book follows her attempts to remain with her love and stay alive.  With the Sevens, a group of angels who hate the idea of Bethany and Xavier together, hot on her trail, Bethany must make quick decisions to remain on top. 

The characters were so much fun in this book.  They truly feel like real people; the only character who started to get annoying was Bethany.  She defies heavenly law when she marries and then continues to put her friends in danger.  She is more than a little whiny halfway through the book.  However, a reader who enjoyed this book previously will likely not mind a few dramatics.  Xavier is sweet in his constant love for Bethany.  He sticks with his true love no matter the cost.  Gabriel and Ivy displayed bravery and love when they decide to help Bethany in any way they can.  However, it isn't really up to Bethany, she may be recalled and forced to leave Xavier.

Between the high action and desperate love, this book is sure to be a fast read despite it's long length.  Heaven is recommended to young adult readers. 

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Safekeeping by Karen Hesse

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Radley just wants to get home to her parents in Vermont. While she was volunteering abroad, the American People's Party took power; the new president was assassinated; and the government cracked down on citizens. Travel restrictions are worse than ever, and when her plane finally lands in New Hampshire, Radley’s parents aren’t there.
Exhausted; her phone dead; her credit cards worthless: Radley starts walking.

Goodreads Summary

My dad would say this is a perfect example of what could happen if an extremist group took over.  In Safekeeping, the American People's Party have orchestrated a take-down.  Radley desperately wants to get home, but between the travel restrictions and not having that much knowledge of just how she can get home, the going is difficult.  In this new world, not much makes sense to Radley.  Any money she had is useless, she needs to watch out for marauding people that she previously would have called neighbor or peer, and her cell phone is not charged.  Can Radley make it to her parents?

While walking, she meets Celia, a girl who is older than Radley, but who needs her help.  Celia and Radley are a little distrustful of each other at first, but as they warm up to each other, the reader begins to get to know both of their characters much better.  The pair decide to trek to Canada, looking for a safer place to wait for the storm back home to die down.  They grow very attached, so attached that Radley will find it very difficult to leave Celia if the chance to return home arrives. 

Radley is a brave girl. She doesn't have that good of an idea of what she's doing, but she still wants to make it home.  She cares for Celia even when many would have left Celia to look out for themselves.  Celia is a bit of a tough cookie, but the more the reader knows about her background, the more the reader will understand.  Karen Hesse portrays two girls working together and finding common ground in a time when both of their worlds have been destroyed; this book is recommended to young adult/teen readers.

4 Stars

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Tiger's Destiny by Colleen Houck

Saturday, September 29, 2012

With three of the goddess Durga's quests behind them, only one prophecy now stands in the way of Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan breaking the tiger's curse. But the trio's greatest challenge awaits them: A life-endangering pursuit in search of Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal.  It's a race against time--and the evil sorcerer Lokesh--in this eagerly anticipated fourth volume in the bestselling Tiger's Curse series, which pits good against evil, tests the bonds of love and loyalty, and finally reveals the tigers' true destinies once and for all. A smart  phone tag code on the back cover links readers to the series website.

Goodreads Summary

Readers who were waiting at the edge of their seats can finally relax.  Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan return in yet another adventure filled with romance, mystery, action, and intrigue.  The story is easy to fall in to; Colleen Houck provides vivid descriptions, the places will be fresh and real in the reader's mind throughout the story.  The setting of the book truly sets the scene in this case. 

The characters were much the same from the first couple of books with some development.  Ren and Kishan are as charismatic and swoon-worthy as ever, but Kelsey began to get annoying.  She still hasn't fully chosen between Ren and Kishan although she considers herself to be Kishan's girlfriend.  She simply doesn't devote herself to him in any serious way; poor Kishan seems so sure about her, so confident that he loves her and she doesn't give much back.  There were a couple surprises in this book, some concerning Mr. Kadam and Kishan, that will make the reader have a "gut reaction."  Colleen Houck's ability to affect the reader is such a way is the mark of an excellent writer.

There is a certain magic feel to the story, an undercurrent of suspense interwoven with romance that makes this book very memorable.  The ending is, although likely not satisfying for all readers, a good ending.  Colleen Houck ties up the last few remnants very well, starting in the beginning of the book to make it less shocking in the very end.  Overall, this book is highly recommended to young adult/teen readers.

4 Stars

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Taming the Wind by Tracie Peterson

Saturday, September 29, 2012
A young widow nursing the wounds of her past...
A cowboy with demons of his own...

Though grateful for the blessing of her daughter, Carissa Lowe has accepted that widowhood is her lot in life. Bound by fear and mistrust, she feels incapable of opening her heart again.

Tyler Atherton has never forgotten Carissa. When he discovers she's living with her sister on a nearby ranch, his life becomes intertwined with the lovely widow's. And Carissa's daughter, Gloria, seems determined to wrap herself around his little finger. But while Tyler longs to provide a home and future for Carissa, he is haunted by an obligation he feels unable to fulfill.

Challenged by mounting hardships, can Carissa and Tyler preserve their fledgling love in a land as unforgiving and vibrant as the people who call it home?

Goodreads Summary

Carissa has had a rough time.  She is a widow with a young daughter in a harsh landscape.  With only her sister to lean on, she isn't exactly in the relationship mood.  Tyler has loved Carissa from afar.  Once he discovers that Carissa is nearby and a widow, he sees a chance to try to win her heart.  What he doesn't expect, however, is how easily Carissa's daughter wins his heart.  Carissa knows that Tyler might make sense in this rough terrain, but making sense isn't enough to convince her to yield her heart once again.  Can Tyler catch Carissa's affection?

Carissa is a little difficult to get to know at first. She is literally recovering from everything that has suddenly fallen on her plate.  However, as she warms up to the reader, she begins to develop a more positive attitude.  Her love towards her daughter will likely endear her to the reader.  The reader will delve deeper into Carissa's somewhat abusive past as she opens up.  Tyler is a true gentleman.  He knows that Carissa isn't a woman to be simply taken, he must woo her first.  The reader will enjoy his efforts and clear affection for Carissa.  The other characters are fun to get to know as well though they act more as supporting characters than anything else.   This story manages to reference God without overwhelming the reader with spiritual connotations.  Overall, this book is recommended to adult readers.

4 Stars

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With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin

Saturday, September 29, 2012
As part of a World War II morale-building program, flight nurse Lt. Mellie Blake begins an anonymous correspondence with Lt. Tom MacGilliver in North Africa. As their letters crisscross the Atlantic, they develop a deep friendship. But when they're both transferred to Algeria, will their future be held hostage by the past---or will they reveal their identities?

Goodreads Summary

If a reader is looking for a love story filled with action and intrigue, then this is the perfect book.  The author sets the scene with a war-torn country.  World War II has sunk its teeth into America and Americans are beginning to feel the ravages.  Lt. Mellie Blake has joined a program aimed at boosting morale.  Her character will be instantly likable; her generosity and easy donation of time and effort will help form a bond between her and the reader.  One wouldn't think a romance could develop in such a difficult time, but Mellie's letters to Lt. Tom slowly build up a relationship that might just end in romance.

The letters provided the reader with both a way to get to know the characters better and a suspenseful build-up towards the eventual romance.  The history is rich in this book, the author clearly did her research.  The scenes are easy to picture and the reader will feel as if he/she is experiencing what the characters are going through.  The romance is sweet and almost simple, but the simplicity adds more than any convoluted Romeo/Juliet scene could.  Tom's character is gallant and brave, he is the picture of a perfect hero.  Combined with Mellie's kindness, the two make quite the pair.  Between the rich history and cute romance, this book is recommended to adult readers.

4 Stars

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Release Cover Reveal!!! (Contest for the Blogger with Most Comments too!!)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


After uniting the shifters and calling in reinforcements, Chase has to face his toughest challenge yet: learning to control his emotions. But as tensions rise and his powers grow, controlling his emotions becomes the least of his problems.

Terrorized by a multi-shifter who is hell-bent on turning him, Chase questions just how far he’s willing to go to stop his father.  Meanwhile, Tiki’s virtuous nature has placed him in the middle of Vincent’s past, leaving Chase to oppose a senate of vampires and defend a demon he hates.

Trying to balance his friends, his enemies, and his inner demons, Chase is left searching for answers about the Mark, his destiny, and where he can find the next soul piece. Stopping Riley is his top priority, but as more obstacles arise, he finds himself doubting all the decisions he’s made - especially regarding Rayna.
One thing is for certain: Chase has finally realized that he doesn’t know anything. The light doesn’t always quell the darkness, the monsters don’t always stay in the shadows, and the past doesn’t always stay in the past - sometimes, the demons inside are the hardest to fight.

Please leave a comment, the blogger with the most comments wins $50 and it would be an awesome giveaway prize for any of my upcoming giveaways!!!

Banned Books Week Giveaway!

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Here's a list of banned books to choose from, but ANY banned book you know of and want may be entered on the rafflecopter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Unending Devotion by Jodi Hedlund

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Unending Devotion

Michigan, 1883
In Her Darkest Hours, Is He the Man She Needs?
Lily Young longs to find her lost sister or will die trying. Heedless of any danger, she searches logging camps and towns, posing as a photographer's assistant. And then she arrives in Harrison, Michigan--and the sights of Connell McCormick.

Connell is determined to increase the fortune of his lumber-baron father and figures as long as he's living an upright life, that's what matters. But when Lily arrives in town she upends his world, forcing him to confront the truth that dangerous men have gained too much power while good men turn a blind eye.

Vexing but persuasive, Lily soon secures Connell's help, drawing them ever closer to each other. Will standing for what's right cost them both everything?

"Hedlund intricately balances romance and drama, asking where the line between good and evil lies and exploring the dangers that erupt when that line becomes blurred. Hedlund's tale is exciting and unpredictable to the very end." --Publishers Weekly

"Full of period detail and engaging dialogue, Hedlund's (A Noble Groom) historical should appeal to Susan Higginbotham fans." --Library Journal

"Unending Devotion is a lovely and real representation of sisterly love and how even that can't compare to the love God has for us." --CBA Retailers and Resources

Barnes and Noble Summary

Oren and Connell are terrific characters!  Oren’s protectiveness and threats – “Mister, you’re a dead man” – made me smile every time he entered a scene…funny and touching.  I think I love Connell.  His mam taught him to take care of a woman’s needs before his own.  He loves his mom, doesn’t want to disappoint his dad, and stands up to crude loggers to protect a woman from unwanted advances and probable rape.  Picture Hedlund’s description of Connell: eyebrow quirking with humor, unruly lock of blond hair, green eyes, suspenders, muscular, plaid coat, spectacles, and exasperation over the dangerous situations Lily Young gets herself into.
Prepare to be frustrated with Lily.  She’s so determined to find her sister and save young girls who are sex slaves near the logger camps; but, she’ll drive you crazy with her insistence on walking into danger.  Halfway through the story, I was mentally telling Connell to give up on her.
Really though – since Unending Devotion is based on a true story, Lily is a character to admire.  There were logging towns in 1800s America where young girls were kidnapped and forced into prostitution.  I wish that I had read the “Author’s Note” before I read the story.  I would have been rooting for Lily; I wouldn’t have been so annoyed by her determined recklessness or by her sister, after she rescues her.  Knowing the history behind the fiction would have added to my interest and enjoyment of the story…and the main character Lily.

Four Stars

*Reviewed by Colleen*

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Concilium Book Blast and Giveaway!

Monday, September 24, 2012
About Author Michelle Pickett:

Michelle has been an avid reader since a young child.  She began writing for personal enjoyment in college, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in accounting.  Deciding sitting in a cubical all day was her form of cruel and unusual punishment, she decided to do what she really wanted to—share her passion for reading and writing with others.
She wrote her debut novel Concilium in 2010.  It was released July of 2012 by MuseItUp Publishing.  The sequel, Concilium: The Departure will also be published by MuseItUp Publishing with scheduled release date of November 2012.
Her Debut young adult novel, PODs, will be published by Spencer Hill Press and is scheduled for release in paperback June 4th, 2013.  Milayna, a young adult paranormal romance, will be released through Spencer Hill Press March 2014.
Michelle was born and raised in Michigan.  She now resides in a small community outside Houston, Texas with her incredibly supportive husband, four wonderful children, a 125-pound lap dog, a very grumpy cockatiel and a cat that thinks it's queen.
Michelle writes adult and young adult Sci/Fi and urban fantasy romance.

Links and Contact Information:

Concilium by Michelle Pickett

A tale of deadly creatures and forbidden romance...

Leslee hit a strange animal with her car. Now she’s marked for death.

It was a simple car accident – the animal didn’t even die – but it drew the attention of the Cruor Imbibo. Driven by their insatiable need to feed, the secret society of Imbibo has devoured the dregs of civilization for centuries. Afraid Leslee will expose them, and put an end to their meal ticket, the Imbibo want her dead.

The Concilium is Leslee's only protection. Guardian of the ancient secret and the protector of humans, the Concilium fights to control the Imbibo and end their feeding frenzy. Miller works for the Concilium. Keeping Leslee alive is his next assignment.

Now Leslee is on the run, and the only thing between her flesh and the snapping jaws of the Imbibo is Miller. He and Leslee quickly form a bond, but will falling in love make Miller’s job more difficult? Because if he fails, Leslee will be next on the Imbibo menu.

The Cruor Imbibo are coming, and they're coming for Leslee.

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Book Blast Giveaway:
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Ends 10/2/12
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Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst

Monday, September 24, 2012

1)  Liyana sounds like such a unique character , what can we expect from her?

Liyana is destined to sacrifice herself so that her goddess can inhabit her body and use it to summon the magic that will enable her clan to survive the harsh desert.  She doesn't want to die, but she's willing to, in order to save her family, especially her beloved four-year-old brother.  She's fearless and practical and always trying to do what's right... even if it's not clear what "right" is.

2)  The idea that someone could house a god or goddess is fascinating, what was your main inspiration behind the plot?

I'd been toying with the idea of a deity possessing a human for a while -- the idea grew out of musing about extreme magical powers -- but it wasn't until I had the idea that this possession would necessitate the death of the human's soul that the story for VESSEL really clicked into place.

3) Who was your favorite character to write about and why?  Were there any characters that were difficult to write about?

I loved writing about Korbyn, my handsome trickster god who walks out of a sand storm to save Liyana -- because he needs her to save his world.  Writing the goddess Bayla was a little tricky for logistical reasons that I can't explain without spoilers, but the difficulty also made her a lot of fun to write.  Suffice it to say, she's not pleased with some of the choices her vessel makes.

4) Tell us a little about that gorgeous cover.

The cover was created by photographer Jaime Ibarra and the Simon & Schuster art department, and I am absolutely in love with it.  It captures Liyana's strength and the rich beauty of her desert so perfectly.
I saw a blog post from the photographer with photos of the cover shoot.  They painted those tattoos (which are important in the book) on the model, and they hired a coach to teach her how to whoosh the fabric so it would look in motion.

5) Give us 5 reasons why we should pick up VESSEL (although we probably already will with the amazing cover and summary).

1. Wolves made of sand that hunt within storms
2. Serpents made of unbreakable glass that fly through the sky
3. Monstrous worms
4. Desert horses
5. Gods and goddesses
6. A young emperor who wants to save his people
7. A trickster god
8. A brave girl with no magic who must change her fate if her people are to survive

6)  If you could be a vessel to any god/goddess, do you have one in mind that you might let "borrow" you from time to time?

If it could be temporary... probably an earth goddess of some sort to heal the bits of the planet that we humans have damaged.

7) Are you currently working on another book or series we can look forward to?

Yes!  I'm currently working on my next YA novel, SWEET NOTHINGS, which is about a girl in the paranormal witness protection program.  It's coming out in fall 2013 from Bloomsbury/Walker.  I also recently sold my first books for adults to Luna: THE LOST, THE MISSING, and THE FOUND.

Thanks so much for interviewing me!

In a desert world of sandstorms and sand-wolves, a teen girl must defy the gods to save her tribe in this mystical, atmospheric tale from the author of Drink, Slay, Love.Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess. The goddess will inhabit Liyana’s body and use magic to bring rain to the desert. But Liyana’s goddess never comes. Abandoned by her angry tribe, Liyana expects to die in the desert. Until a boy walks out of the dust in search of her.
     Korbyn is a god inside his vessel, and a trickster god at that. He tells Liyana that five other gods are missing, and they set off across the desert in search of the other vessels. For the desert tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. But the journey is dangerous, even with a god’s help. And not everyone is willing to believe the trickster god’s tale.
     The closer she grows to Korbyn, the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she has no choice: She must die for her tribe to live. Unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate—or a human girl can muster some magic of her own.

Goodreads Summary

Liyana is a girl in an unusual situation.  She is never meant to live her own life or follow her dreams.  Instead, she is merely a vessel for another god or goddess to inhabit.  Her goddess is meant to bring prosperity to her tribe and relieve tribes from the drought and famine; when her goddess doesn't inhabit her body during the ritual, Liyana is cast from the tribe.  Alone and determined, Liyana decides that she should try to live.  When Korbyn tells her that her goddess is in need of a rescue and that other gods/goddesses have been missing too, Liyana once again rises to the occasion.  The more Liyana gets to know Korbyn, the less sure she is of giving up her body.  Is her tribe more important than herself?

Liyana's character was phenomenal.  She was so easy to love and root for; the reader will likely not want Liyana to make way for a goddess.  Her selflessness and generosity is overwhelming when the reader thinks about giving up his/her body to a god/goddess.  Korbyn's character provides comedic relief and gives Liyana's character the determination to push forward. Raan is so raw, her character is infused with strength.  The other characters include both vessels and love interests; all are created carefully and are dynamic. There were a few characters at the end that felt a bit rushed and I would have wanted to get to know them better, but overall the characters themselves make this book a must-read.

The setting for the story is unique.  Author Sarah Beth Durst manages to paint a magical picture of a desert setting where wolves are made from sand and salt worms can kill or maim people.  The landscape sounds so enchanting and surreal, but the author makes everything easy to imagine.  The rich traditions the tribes uphold are interesting and add a certain element to the book.  Between the plot, characters, and setting, this book is highly recommended to young adult/teen readers.

5 Stars

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Seeker of Shadows by Nancy Gideon

Sunday, September 23, 2012

NANCY GIDEON CONTINUES HER COMPELLING, SENSUAL NEW SERIES WITH A SEDUCTIVE TALE OF FORBIDDEN ALLEGIANCE AND REDISCOVERED LOVE. His town. Susanna Duchamps came to New Orleans to settle a debt and to temporarily escape the controlled constraints of her life among the Chosen. What she finds is an opportunity to make miraculous strides with her research into Shifter genetics . . . and an unexpected, but never forgotten, man from her complicated past. Her rules. Shifter club owner Jacques LaRoche is fiercely protective of his freedom. Stripped of his memories of a former life, he longs for the mate he lost . . . until the enticingly familiar presence of a mysterious stranger from the north ignites a primal, nearly uncontrollable need to release the untamed beast inside him. Their last chance. Susanna dares not tell Jacques it was she who sacrificed his past and her future years ago, to protect him and the secret she carried. But her arrival in New Orleans comes with consequences. When a bloody confrontation erupts between their enemy clans, will she betray her lover once again—or throw her own life on the line so they can finish what they started?

Goodreads Summary

Looking for an exciting thriller with some romance?  This just might be the book for you.  Susanna's a girl with a complicated past and love life.  When she arrives in New Orleans she has nothing on her mind besides business, but that quickly changes with the arrival of Jacques.  Jacques hasn't stopped waiting for Susanna.  Even though he no longer remembers his past, he still knows that Susanna is "it" for him.  She's that one special mate that belongs to him.  Susanna has a lot to straighten out.  She still has to tell Jacques about her part in his inability to remember his past.  She also has another person, her daughter, to worry about. 

Susanna's character was intense.  She's the type of woman who makes decisive decisions.  Her bravery and easy seduction of Jacques makes her character easy to focus on.  Jacques is just as sexy and charismatic as the summary promises.  His and Susanna's newfound relationship has several hurdles.  His lost memory combined with his body's ability to remember Susanna creates several angry scenes.  The reader will appreciate the clear passion the characters have and the author's ability to make the scenes come alive for the reader.  Between the electric romance of the main characters, vivid descriptions and scenes, and constant action, this book is recommended to adult readers.

4 Stars

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This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

Stuck In A Good Book Giveaway!

Saturday, September 22, 2012
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