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Christmas Giveaway Books Hop!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

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  Thank you very much for stopping by this blog and Happy Holidays!!!

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Splintered by A.G. Howard

Friday, November 30, 2012

This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now.
When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.

Goodreads Summary

Alyssa is not a normal girl.  She can hear bugs and does about anything to try to escape their whisperings.  Her crush, Jeb, is not returning her affections and she's not sure how to deal with her ex-friend.  When Alyssa decides that she has had enough of the family curse, she goes down to Wonderland...where she discovers that things are far from what they seem.  What's even more disconcerting than Wonderland itself is that Jeb followed her down, concerned for her.

Alyssa finds that the tales of Wonderland are full of inconsistencies.  The White Rabbit is rather bony, the Mad Hatter and March Hare look very unusual, and the myths behind the Wonderland queens are not what she expected.  With Jeb's help, she must undo the damage that Alice created in Wonderland if she hopes to remove the curse on her family. 

Alyssa is a strong, determined woman.  The reader will sympathize with her unique family madness and her will to change for the better.  Jeb is definitely handsome and charismatic, it is easy to see why Alyssa likes him.  He truly stands by his best friend's side through thick and thin, admirable.  The other characters are incredibly inventive.  Author A.G. Howard outdid herself when it came to the actions and dialogue of very unusual characters like the walrus and the White Rabbit.  Her take on the setting of the book is just as fascinating.  The scenes will fly by as the reader becomes immersed in a world where flowers can speak, sponges can soak up lakes, and half-women/half-spiders exist.  This book is highly recommended to young adult/teen readers.

5 Stars

Find this book:
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This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

Regine’s Book: A Teen Girl’s Last Words By: Regine Stokke

Friday, November 30, 2012

Regine’s blog about living with Leukemia gained a huge following, and eventually became this book. She writes openly about emotional and physical aspects of her 15-month struggle to recover, and explains how her disease impacts her life. In the course of her illness, Regine has photography exhibits, goes to concerts, enjoys her friends & family, and advocates for registering as a blood and bone marrow donor. She was a typical teenager with an amazing will to live; and the lessons she learned have relevance for all of us. She died at home on December 3, 2009 with her family and cat by her side. Originally published in Norway, the book was selected by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture for a translation grant. Norwegian sales are as follows: 30,000 copies hardcover (May – Dec 2010); 17,000 copies paperback (Jan – Sept 2011).

Goodreads Summary

Regine was seventeen when she was diagnosed with cancer, but she did not stop living.  Starting a blog, Regine described what her life was like in the hospital.  During her illness, Regine wrote poems, took photos, and went to concerts.  Regine is an inspiration.
Reading about how Regine faced her mortality made me cry.  She is only a few years younger than me; I was angry that she was suffering.  Regine’s Book reminded me why we must continue to search for a cure.  Nearly everyone has been affected by cancer.  Most of us realize that cancer hurts the body and the soul.  No part of a patient’s life is left untouched by cancer; Regine’s battle shows this.
I think anyone could benefit from reading Regine’s Book.  Her story gives the reader a lesson about appreciating life and imparts wisdom.  The photographs, poems, and book itself are a reminder that even when a life stops, a legacy continues on.  I give Regine’s Book five out of five stars.


5 Stars

*Reviewed by Kristin*

Find this book:
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This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

Poseidon and the Sea of Fury Book Blast and Giveaway!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Poseidon and the Sea of Fury 

A young Poseidon must triumph over aquatic terrors in this Heroes in Training adventure. The merciless Cronus and his Titan buddies are in hot pursuit of Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon, who plan to travel across the treacherous boiling sea in order to save a fellow Olympian. They have a boat, but they also have a problem: Poseidon can’t swim and is terrified of the water (well, really of the creatures that lurk in its depths). The group faces danger after danger as they battle singing sirens, a fishy and ferocious Titan named Oceanus, and people-eating monsters sent by Cronus himself. Can Poseidon overcome his fears and help his fellow heroes escape Cronus and his cronies?


Heroes in Training by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams
Authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams deliver fun, adventures, and a few surprises as ten-year-old Olympians go on a journey of a lifetime to discover their true identities and defeat their Titan enemies.

Praise for Heroes in Training
"Readers will gobble this down and look for more, make no mythtake."
~ Kirkus

“This is a fun read, casting Zeus in the role of relatable kid, and there is a nice balance between his primary goal of survival and his sense of destiny and adventure. . . Share this title, and likely more to come, with those still too young for Percy Jackson’s adventures.”
~ School Library Journal

The Series

#1 Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom
#2 Poseidon and the Sea of Fury
#3 Hades and the Helm of Darkness
#4 Hyperion and the Great Balls of Fire

Aladdin Paperbacks (ages 6-9)

Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom (Book 1)

After pulling a magical thunderbolt from a stone, ten-year-old Zeus goes on the adventure of a lifetime in this thrilling start to a brand-new series! The terrible Titans--merciless giants who enjoy snacking on humans--have dominated the earth and put the world into chaos. But their rule is about to be put to the test as a group of young Olympians discover their powers and prepare to righteously rule the universe....
     Ten-year-old Zeus is mystified (and super-annoyed) by the fact that he keeps getting hit by lightening. Every. Single. Year. He also longs for adventure, as he has never been far from the cave where he grew up.

     Zeus gets his wish--and a lot more than he bargained for--when he is kidnapped by dangerous, giant Titans! In self-defense, he grabs the first thing he sees--an actual thunderbolt he pulls from a stone that is covered in mysterious markings. Zeus is the only one who can decipher the markings, and sets off on a quest to rescue his youthful fellow Olympians from the evil Cronus. Armed with his trusty thunderbolt (named Bolt, of course), Zeus is on an adventure of a lifetime--and a journey to fulfill his destiny as King of the Gods.

Hades and the Helm of Darkness (Book 3 coming April 2013)

The Heroes in Training are entering the Underworld—if Hades can conquer his canine fears, that is.

The Underworld usually isn’t really meant to be a fun place—but tell that to Hades! He loves the dark and the stinky smell of sulfur. However, there is one thing that Hades is not a fan of: dogs. And when Zeus and his fellow Olympians encounter Cerberus—a snarling, three-headed dog—Hades must conquer his fears and tame the hound so everyone can continue into the Underworld and deposit their Titan prisoner, Oceanus, back where he belongs!

But with magical water that causes forgetfulness, hot beds of lava, and another epic battle with two more Titans standing in their way, will Zeus and his heroes make it out of the Underworld with everyone intact?

Author Suzanne Williams

Suzanne Williams is the award-winning author of nearly 40 books for children, from picture books and easy readers to chapter books and middle grade fiction series. A former elementary school librarian, she lives near Seattle. Her picture book Library Lil (illustrated by Steven Kellogg) won the New Mexico children's choice award in 2000 and was on several other state award lists. She is co-author (with Joan Holub) of the popular Goddess Girls series(for ages 8 - 12) and Heroes in Training (ages 6 - 11). Other series include Fairy Blossoms and Princess Power.

Author Joan Holub

I graduated from college in Texas with a fine arts degree, and then freelanced as an art director at a graphic design firm for eight years. I dreamed of working in children's books, so I moved to New York City and became associate art director in Scholastic trade books, where I designed books for children and worked with editors and illustrators. It was a great job.

I illustrated my first published children's book in 1992 and soon began illustrating full time. I began completing manuscripts and mailing them out to publishers in the early 1990s. In 1996, I sold my first two manuscripts -- Boo Who? A Spooky Lift-the-Flap Book (Scholastic) and Pen Pals (Grosset & Dunlap). Yippee!

Now I write full time and have written and/or illustrated over 130 children's books. Creating books that entertain, inform, and interest children (and me) is a fabulous job that I truly love.

Book Blast Giveaway
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/9/12

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Almost Christmas Giveaway!!! (INT)

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Prodigy (Legend, #2)
Beta (Annex, #1)
Shadows (Ashes Trilogy, #2)
True Believers
The Prophet
One Last Thing Before I Go
you may choose three from the above choices or you can choose three romances!  Thank you very much for stopping by!

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

That's a loaded question. So many ways to answer that one question. Everyone -- young and old -- sometimes has hard days. It's always great to go home and read about a hero that saves the princess, a mystery that keeps you on your toes, adventure that jumps off the page... endless stories that fill your mind and leave you with stories yourself. If a book is made into a movie, people say they'd rather sit down for three hours than read for longer. What I say to that: You're missing out.

PhotobucketFirst off, you build your own characters in books. For example, in Twilight I pictured Edward would look like Kaname from Vampire Knight (picture referenced on the left), and when the movie came out it totally ruined my image of the dark, sexy vampire. Movies are done in 2-3 hours, but books will take you deep inside the characters' minds. An example is Hunger Games. You don't hear her inner turmoil and how she's really feeling through the hunger games: what she's thinking, why she made certain the decisions, her demons, and heartbreaks she endured.  You don't get that in movies. Imagination is what makes a book great. I forget myself in those pages; I cry for characters when something tragic happens, laugh when the comic relief does the unexpected, and rush through the pages when a scene gets to a climax.

Why do I love YA books? Because they take you away from your real life. They make you THINK and make you use your mind in different ways. I sometimes am left with characters in my mind making more adventures for them. That's where fan fiction comes in. Books will sometimes leave you with questions and answers that are left in the dust, but young adult readers take that ending and make another one using their interpretation of the character. I know plenty of people who like other readers' endings better than the authors'.

The answer to your question is: it can take you anywhere. In relationships with the characters, fear from the monsters that are described, romance that you've always wanted, adventures where the most random characters fit together can make a book memorable and exceptional. Friendships are made, love is given, and laughs are handed out like candy in YA books.

Half the reason why I'm blogging is because of a group of people. I've made tons of friends while reviewing and I keep in touch with them on a daily basis. We all have the same interest: books. I'll meet them at conventions, gush about what author contacted me, and talk about what book I received. Making trades with fun people and they have your back if you need something. I can call many people friends since reviewing. Last month I put together a Blogger Awards Giveaway and had many blogs enter. It was nice to give back to the community, not just be in one and do nothing to help. Young Adult is what got me into the blogging world and in return I gained strong relationships, allies, networks, and the sense of being in a community.

Authors, please don't think I've forgotten you. If you're reading this blog post I want to thank you for all  the stories you've given me. You've taken a dream, poem, random thought... anything that sparked your mind and made it known. No matter what the reviews say, you've made a positive impact with society. Your creation is being shared, and is something to be treasured. Many people have said the words "I want to become a writer!" but given up when it gets tough.

This blog post is very sincere. I've never really answered this question, and once I started it was hard to stop. The question has so many answers and directions, other bloggers surely have different reasons why it's precious to them. Reading is the love of my life (and something that will never break up with me); I'm glad to be a blogger and share that love with others. The books you're giving away are amazing, but what really counts is how involved you are with the community. I'm very glad to be a blogger and a part of a world where my thoughts and feelings matter. The young adult genre will always be my favorite. It's what I grew up with, how I learned lessons, and what will always take me on my own adventure.

Thank you,

^Enter to submit your own entry by clicking above!

Keegan's Chronicles Book Blast and Giveaway!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Keegan's Chronicles Trilogy Set
Books 1-3

Sixteen-year-old Keegan is struggling to keep her huge secret from her friends--she's an elf, descended from a long line of elves that live in secrecy alongside humans.

In elfin society, mates are predetermined but not allowed to meet until they are eighteen. Against tradition, Keegan's brother Thaddeus told her Rourk's name because his visions warned him she'd need Rourk's protection, especially since Keegan will play a key role in the coming war between the dark and light elves.

Keegan, is only alive now due to Black Magic, and her bond with her Chosen is broken. She cannot remember Rourk at all.

For the first time, she feels like a normal teenager. She is dating Donald, her long-time crush, and everything seems perfect. But Rourk still feels their bond, and despairs for the woman he was always meant to love.

Keegan's best friend Anna is determined to find a way to use her powers to return Keegan's bond, no matter what it takes. The question is does Keegan even want it?

Keegan has dealt with a lot over the last two years: Death, black magic and the loss of her bond to her chosen mate. But on her eighteenth birthday, the bond with Rourk returns.

Now, Keegan faces her hardest decision. Tradition requires elves marry at eighteen. If she accepts the path laid out for her, she will be spared a lifetime of physical and emotional pain. But will that life ever really be her own?


Really enjoyed this book. The story draws you in, and the characters are engaging, especially Rourk. I've never read a book about elves, so I wasn't sure what to expect. This was really good. Would recommend to anyone interested in a quick, fun, paranormal read. 
-- Amazon Reviewer

I am not one for Elves or Fairies but yeah these Elves RULE! What is not to love? You have an age old prophecy, destined loves, a great family and amazing friends. Not to mention .... Rourk *yummy* All that is left is the amazing way it all is put together into this fantastic story. 
-- Amazon Reviewer

If you pick up this book, I'm sure it will not disappoint, it had everything, it was cute, yet dark..and well that combo just makes for a perfect book on my shelf, Julia has truly written an amazing read. (: 
-- Haley @

Amazon * Nook * iBooks

Author Julia Crane

Julia Crane is the author of the YA paranormal fiction novels: Keegan's Chronicles, Mesmerized, Dark Promise and Eternal Youth. Julia was encouraged by her mother to read and use her imagination, and she's believed in magical creatures since the day her grandmother first told her an Irish tale. Julia has traveled far and wide to all the places her grandmother told her about, gaining inspiration from her journeys to places like Nepal, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Italy, France and many more. And who knows? Maybe the magical creatures she writes about are people she met along the way.

Julia Crane has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Although she's spent most of her life on the US east coast, she currently lives in Dubai with her husband and three children.

Book Blast Giveaway Deatils (Starts November 29th)
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/9/12
*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it for the first person you follow and leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Courting Cate by Leslie Gould

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Courting Cate

#1 Bestselling Author Leslie Gould Delivers a New Amish Romance Series
When Amish farmer Pete Treger moves to Paradise Township, Pennsylvania, seeking a better life, he meets sisters Cate and Betsy Miller. Both are beautiful, but older sister Cate is known more for her sharp tongue and fiery temper than her striking appearance. Betsy, on the other hand, is sweet and flirty--and seems to have attracted most of the bachelors in Lancaster County
However, the sisters' wealthy father has made one hard and fast rule: elder sister must marry first, before the younger can even start courting. Unfortunately for poor Betsy, and for the men who want to court her, her older sister, Cate, doesn't have any suitors--until Pete comes to town, that is.
Though he finds both sisters attractive, something about Cate's feisty demeanor appeals to him. Soon the other bachelors in the district convince Pete to court Cate. She hardly seems receptive to his overtures, though. Instead, she's immediately suspicious of his interest.

Goodreads Summary

I’ve always loved the “Taming of the Shrew” storyline, except that it
always seems a little cruel as it progresses.  In this Amish version, the
meanness doesn’t rear its ugly head except for unkind brothers M&M and
Seth.  Cate Miller is no shrew; she’s a likable creative,
business-minded, caring, no-nonsense young woman.  Her younger sister is
spoiled and self-centered…but gets away with it because she’s the baby.
Betsey tells Cate, “Surely Dat’s money will attract someone.”  When
handsome Pete comes into the community, you know that he is going to be
the one to “tame” Cate; but, it’s really nice to read how their friendship
grows (not too much romance because of the theme) while they’re sparring
wits.  You’ll get a laugh (at yourself) during the scene where Cate I
capsized by one of the M&M brothers.  We’ve all behaved better in front of
someone we want to impress.

Cate hugely sacrifices her pride for her sister and a chance at love.
Gould’s description of Cate’s evolution into a less “prickly” person is
fun to read.  Since I love books, I like how Cate and Pete connect because
they’re such big readers.  I was as horrified as Cate to hear what Pete
does with his books as he walks, hitchhikes, and camps his way across the
country.  Since I’ve always imagined Amish life to be such hard work, it
was interesting to see Cate’s view of Pete’s Amish community where the
work and farm life are even more primitive than what she’s used to.

Four Stars

*Reviewed by Colleen*

Find this book:
Barnes and Noble
The Book Depository

This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

First Time: The Legend of Garison Fitch: Book Blast and Giveaway!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First Time: The Legend of Garison Fitch

"What if history didn't happen that way ... the first time?"

Garison Fitch was one of the most revered scientists in the Soviet Americas until he left fame behind to work on a secret project in his log cabin in the mountains of Marx.

But something went wrong. Instead of traveling interdimentionally, Garison has traveled through time ... twice.

Now, he's in something called "The United States of America" and a woman he's never met before is calling herself his wife. It it a hoax? Or, has he somehow changed history?

If so, can he return the world to what he believes is "normal", or must he live in this strange world he created?



"Sam continues to weave his magic as a storyteller. I always find myself anxious to find out what will happen next and what kind of twist will befall the adventurers. It helps to be familiar with the places that the heroines go, which adds to the story."
~Labdaddy, Texas

"I've had a few very unproductive but enjoyable days thanks to Samuel Ben White. If you haven't read Sam's books you have been missing a treat. These were funny, suspenseful, spiritual and kept you turning the pages."
~Karen S.

"Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your books. I have a Kindle and I have purchased all of the Garison Fitch novels. I am in Saudi Arabia and your books have really helped take me away from here."
~Scott, Saudi Arabia

Also Part of the Series:

Saving Time

Two years ago Garison Fitch traveled through time and rewrote history. An accident in the eighteenth century created a whole new world, and even gave Garison a wife he had never met before. Now, he’s got a daughter and he’s coming to enjoy this world he created. Until he’s attacked by men masquerading as Indians, and a funeral procession from out of the past enlists his help, and a tree grows from sappling to full-grown in a matter of minutes, threatening his daughter’s very life. Time itself is unraveling and Garison’s trips through time seem to be the cause. Garison must go back in time once again and keep himself from making the original trip that started the problem. But he can’t use his time machine to go back. How does one sew up a rip in time?

Lost Time

Jason Kerrigan and Brownwyn Dalmouth are pilots with the Republic of Texas Army Air Corps. A world war is going on and bombs have just brought an end to Crockett Air Field in south Texas. Jason and Bronwyn, though, are called away from the battle to be test pilots for a new aircraft that-they're told-will bring the war to an end. The experimental craft lives up to expectations in early tests, but then it lands them somewhere it never should have sent them. Another place? Another time? Another dimension? Somehow, they've taken a trip to the future and changed the past. Or did they? The answer to their change of reality may be known to a Justice of the Peace in Colorado named Garison Fitch. To figure it out, though, Garison may have to team up with his least favorite person: Bat Garrett.


Author Samuel Ben White

Samuel Ben White (“Sam” to his friends) is the author of the national newspaper comic strip “Tuttle’s” (found at and the on-line comic book “Burt & the I.L.S.” (found at He is married and has two sons. He serves his community as both a minister at a small church and a chaplain with hospice. In addition to his time travel stories, Sam has also written and published detective novels, a western, three fantasy novels and four works of Christian fiction.


Tour Schedule

Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/16/12
*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it when you follow Sam then you can leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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HarperCollins News!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



New York, NY (November 26, 2012)—HarperCollins Publishers announced today the launch of HarperTeen Impulse, a digital imprint focusing on Young Adult short stories and novellas. The new imprint will publish short-form works from new and established authors, providing original and exciting new teen ebooks across a wide variety of genres.

HarperTeen Impulse will publish between one and four titles a month, all of which will go on sale the first Tuesday of that month, branded “Impulse Tuesday.” Impulse titles will benefit from dedicated program marketing, including extensive social media outreach, monthly newsletters, cross-promotion in HarperTeen print books, and strategic sales promotions.

The first titles go on sale December 4, 2012, and they include BREATHLESS by Sophie Jordan, a companion novella to her FIRELIGHT series; STUPID PERFECT WORLD, a future-set novella by bestselling author Scott Westerfeld, in which two teens discover that something may have been missing from their perfect lives after all; CRUISIN’ by Sarah Mlynowski, a short story in which teens take a plunge on the high seas and discover that everything is not as it seems; and RADIANT by Cynthia Hand, a novella set in the world of her bestselling UNEARTHLY series. HarperTeen Impulse titles will be available at all ebook retailers in a price range from $0.99 to $2.99. Forthcoming titles include THE PRINCE: A SELECTION NOVELLA by Kiera Cass, a companion to the New York Times bestseller THE SELECTION; TAGS, a one-act play by National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Walter Dean Myers; and ONE DAY MORE, a prequel novella to bestselling author Aprilynne Pike’s forthcoming novel, LIFE AFTER THEFT.

“Readers of YA have embraced digital reading in a big way,” said Susan Katz, President and Publisher of HarperCollins Children’s Books. “We’re seeing short-form content becoming more popular in the digital marketplace, and HarperTeen Impulse allows us to experiment with new concepts and deliver content quickly. YA as a category has grown exponentially, and its readers span a wide age group enthusiastic about books in many different genres and formats. HarperTeen Impulse is a great platform to further reach a crossover audience.”

For more information about HarperTeen Impulse, visit

HarperCollins Children’s Books is one of the leading publishers of children’s books. Respected worldwide for its tradition of publishing quality, award-winning books for young readers, HarperCollins is home to many timeless treasures—Charlotte’s Web, The Chronicles of Narnia, Goodnight Moon, Where the Sidewalk Ends, the Ramona series, and Where the Wild Things Are—and popular new classics—The Graveyard Book, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Warriors, and Fancy Nancy. Consistently at the forefront of digital innovation, HarperCollins Children’s Books delights young readers through engaging storytelling in all formats, including ebooks and apps. HarperCollins Children’s Books is a division of HarperCollins Publishers, one of the leading English-language publishers in the world and a subsidiary of News Corporation (NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA; ASX: NWS, NWSLV). Headquartered in New York, HarperCollins has publishing groups in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia/New Zealand, and India. You can visit HarperCollins Children’s Books at and HarperCollins Publishers at

Treasure Me by Christine Nolfi

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Treasure Me

"Treasure Me is a riveting read for those who enjoy adventure fiction, highly recommended." --The Midwest Book Review

Petty thief Birdie Kaminsky has arrived in Liberty, Ohio to steal a treasure hidden since the Civil War. She’s in possession of a charming clue passed down in her family for generations: Liberty safeguards the cherished heart.

The beautiful thief wants to go straight. She secretly admires the clue’s author, freedwoman Justice Postell, who left South Carolina at the dawn of the Civil War and carried untold riches on her journey north. As Birdie searches for the treasure, she begins to believe a questionable part of the story: a tale of love between Justice and Lucas Postell, the French plantation owner who was Birdie’s ancestor.

If the stories are true, Justice bore a child with Lucas. Some of those black relatives might still live in town. Birdie can’t help but wonder if she’s found one—Liberty’s feisty matriarch, Theodora Hendricks, who packs a pistol and heartwarming stories about Justice. Birdie doesn’t know that an investigative reporter will trip her up—as will her conscience when she begins to wonder if it’s possible to start a new life with stolen riches. Yet with each new clue she unearths, Birdie discovers a family history more precious than gems, a tradition of love richer than she’d imagined.

Goodreads Summary

Birdie is a thief, but that aspect of her personality actually won't make the reader dislike her.  She desperately wants to find a family heirloom and is searching in Liberty, Ohio when the reader meets her.  She has a very interesting familial background that the reader will want to delve into.  Is the story of true love between Justice and Lucas (Birdie's ancestor) true?   Could Theodora be related to Birdie?

Birdie's history will likely be the reader's favorite part of the book.  Her actions and upbringing that led her to  be the thief that she is are points of interest as well as her family's history.  Theodora is a pleasure to read about.  Her character is the epitome of a "strong, sassy, intelligent" woman.  Theodora's character functions to provide both Birdie and the reader with more information on Birdie's family history.  The other characters were fun to read about.  Hugh, the love interest, was a good character in the novel, but didn't really stick out.   If a reader is looking for a romance, this is definitely not the book for him/her.  Overall, this book contains plenty of action and quirky characters/dialogue.  Treasure Me is recommended to adult readers.

3 1/2 Stars

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This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews.

The Consul General's Wife by Aliefka Bijlsma

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Consul General's Wife

Melchior Steenbergen is leading an idyllic life. An elite member of Holland’s diplomatic corps, he is the Consul General in Rio, with a sweeping view of the Ipanema bay from his official residence, and a beautiful wife 20 years his junior. His trustworthy maid, Mercy, who is from Ghana and has followed him everywhere, attends to his every need. At 59, his time as a diplomat is winding down, but he expects to put one more feather in his cap: an ambassadorship. Paris, perhaps. Doesn't he deserve it?

But Melchior’s glorious world is a façade, a house of cards, and sharp winds are starting to blow.

The Consul General's Wife is the story of a man, elegant and dignified, unable to recognize his own flaws. Set against the mystical and unforgiving city of Rio, the novel is a comedy about a dying generation. And a tragedy about a man who has only a few days left to wake up.


Russell Shorto, author and contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine says: "The Consul General’s Wife is set in the rarified world of Dutch diplomats, but the expertly drawn characters who inhabit it represent a much broader spectrum of humanity. Urbane, worldly, world-weary, scheming: they seem ultimate creatures of our age. Then again, Aliefka’s Bijlsma’s rich novel calls to mind most of all the work of Graham Greene--which suggests that we are dealing with a category of human experience that is timeless."

Goodreads Summary

Melchior is the main character, but the reader will get to know a diverse group of characters after completing this book.  Set in the Dutch embassy in Brazil, the author does a terrific job of describing the scenes and characters to the point where the reader can picture them.  This book was interesting in that the author provides analysis of each characters' thoughts and actions.  Getting to know Melchior, Mercy, Leandra, Nikki, and Tygo may at first be difficult for the reader, but become slowly easier as the reader continues on in the novel.  The authors' analyses is fascinating and a tad too psychological.  The reader will enjoy forming his/her own opinions and looking to the author's for comparison.

The plot itself is a little on the slow side.  The Consul General's Wife felt more like a "study" than an actual book in certain places.  The detailed analyses were fun to read, but there was not much action.  Although the reader gets to know the characters very well, the characters were almost depressing to read about.  Their pasts and their current decisions made it hard to continue to read.  Melchior was the focus of the novel despite the in-depth development of the other characters; this facet of the story was "ok" but some readers may prefer to read more from Mercy's perspective or Leandra's.  Overall, this book is recommended to adult readers.

3 Stars

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Crossroads Book Blast and Giveaway!

Monday, November 26, 2012
Crossroads by Mary Ting:

Claudia Emerson has a good friend who shares the same first name and last name. That friend unfortunately dies in a tragic accident during homecoming dance. Claudia is distraught at the loss of her friend, but is even more disturbed by her dreams, which seem to take her to another place called Crossroads. Unknown to her, Crossroads is like a second heaven, a place between heaven and earth. It is where the souls of humans in comas or near death experiences may wander.

There, Claudia meets Michael, a nephilim, a half angel, half human, whom she often meets in her dreams. It turns out that this isn't her first visit to Crossroads, which is an enigma for no human can ever travel there until Claudia. Now the fallen and demons are after her, suspecting she must be special and it is up to Michael and the other nephilims to protect her.

Can Michael fight his growing feelings for Claudia and protect her as a guardian angel should? The answer awaits you! Follow the exciting path to Crossroads!

Praise for Crossroads:
“Crossroads by Mary Ting has it all: danger, romance, suspense, incredible characters and an original plot that is sure to thrill. The action never stops as good and evil battle to the death. This well written and fascinating love story will keep readers entranced.”

"Love is in question. Trust is debatable. No one is safe. Between by Mary Ting is an enchanting, nail-biter that will leave you breathless from the exquisite cover to the thrilling end."
~Gabby, Nashville Young Adult Fiction Examiner/What’s Beyond Forks

"Crossroads is an exciting debut book with a rich paranormal mythology, unique angel-lore, forbidden romance, action, suspense and plot twists. With her detailed writing and a plot that flow wells, Mary created a world I enjoyed visiting, and a story that was hard to put down."
~Katie with Mundie Moms

“Beyond is an extraordinary story with unforgettable characters, passionately written by an author who clearly understands the true identity of love.  Compelling and exciting; this is a must-read for all hardcore fans of the paranormal romance genre.”
~Angie Edwards @ Books4Tomorrow

“Reading the Crossroads Saga has always put me in a very ethereal place while turning its pages. In BEYOND, Mary Ting takes it to another level and I embrace the new darkness with open wings just like Michael would with his heart-shaped wings”
~Yara, Once Upon A Twilight

Crossroads is FREE on Amazon

Crossroads Excerpt:

He held me gently with both of his arms and wings this time.  All I needed was his touch, for him to hold me that way; it made all the difference in the world.  I was safe again.  Without thought, I turned toward him.  The look in his eyes was so tempting, telling me that he wanted me too.  I knew it was impossible for him to want and need me the same way, but his eyes told me something else. The depth of my yearning and what I wanted to do at this very moment was undeniable.
I leaned toward him and tenderly placed a kiss on his supple lips to thank him.  It was an innocent kiss.  What was the harm in just one small kiss?  I was extremely surprised that he didn’t push me away.  I was even more surprised at myself.  I was never the type to make the first move.
“Thank you for saving me,” I whispered, looking straight into his soulful eyes, as something came over me.  Uncontrollable heat ran through my body.  He was right.  It was dangerous, but it was me who couldn’t control myself.  His eyes gave me permission to continue, so I gave him another kiss, but slower and longer this time.  He kissed me back, but with much hesitation.  His lips were warm and sweet like honeysuckle, just how I imagined they would be.  The warmth spread all over my body like a blazing fire.
Still holding me, he pulled me away with a sudden jerk, his eyes piercing into mine with anger.  His left hand was tightly wrung around my hair and the other gripping my shirt so I could feel the tightness from it.  Panting, wanting more of him, I forgot how to breathe, and so did he.  His eyes, still fierce with anger, gripped me even tighter as he slightly pushed and pulled me, fighting and uncertain of what he wanted to do.  Feeling petrified, I had to prepare myself for the consequence of my actions, for I knew I had crossed the line.

Book Trailer:

Also part of the Series:


As the alkins head back to Crossroads, Claudia leads her normal life; but not for long. Having a special soul, Claudia attracts danger, and she soon finds out who Gamma asked to watch over her. The Twelve, known as Divine Elders on Earth, are very much involved when they find out that Aliah, one of the God's first angels, escaped from the Abyss when the gates were opened by Aden. Needing Claudia's soul to escape the only place Aliah can reside-a place between Heaven and Earth-he sends his demons in search of all Claudia Emersons on Earth. Taking her soul will enable him to be released from Between and cross over to Crossroads, which would give him immense power. As more secrets are revealed Claudia learns about the venators--nephilim, demon hunters. Now two opposing forces must work together in order to save Claudia and humanity from the most dangerous angel ever created. But along the way, trust becomes a big issue. Will love be enough to keep Claudia and Michael together? Who will make the ultimate sacrifice? Who will betray them all?


Torn between the past she can't remember and a future she isn’t ready for, Claudia feels at a loss. With unanswered questions, she is certain there is more to her past than just being a venator. Finding the missing pieces in her life won’t be easy because duty calls. When mysterious dark shadows get released, an apocalypse sets in motion. The venators and the alkins must work together once again. Knowing Claudia would be the key to destroying the demons that were released, a familiar stranger appears to protect her. Drawn to the beautiful angel, Claudia finds she must unravel the mysteries of her past in order to help save the world. Who is the angel assisting her and why does she feel a strong connection to him? Time is running out. Will she discover all the secrets before it’s too late?

Author Mary Ting:
Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing Crossroads was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. It was inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl.


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Bluff by Lenore Skomal

Monday, November 26, 2012

"To the medical world, I was a host body, surviving only to bring a new life into the world. And while I wanted to die more than anything in the world, I never wanted this. No, I never wanted to cease to exist. This was the worst death of all.”

Jude Black lives in that in-between, twilight place teetering on death but clinging to life in order to bring her baby into this world. Only she knows the circumstances surrounding her mysterious fall off the bluff that landed her in the hospital being kept alive by medical intervention. Only she knows who the father of her baby is. In this poignantly crafted literary novel, the mystery unfolds and the suspense builds as the consequences of Jude’s decisions threaten to reveal everyone's deceptions, even her own. Bluff offers a sensitive look at essential questions such as the value of human life, the consciousness of those in a coma and the morality of terminating life support. At the core is the story of a tragically misunderstood woman who finds peace, acceptance, understanding and even love on her deathbed.

Goodreads Summary

Skomal has written a book that makes you take a step back and ponder different subjects you might not have thought of before. It’s about a woman named Jude who fell off a cliff while pregnant. She ends up being in a vegetative state, but her mind is active so she can hear everyone around her. The doctors and family don’t know what to do. Should they take her off life support? Who should be the one to pull the plug: doctors or family? What about the unborn child? These questions and more come to mind. Secrets are everywhere in this book and Jude hears them all. Not only that, she has secrets of her own. All of the characters aren’t one-dimensional, they are carefully developed. The reader will see other sides and pieces to the puzzle while being around Jude; everything has a meaning.

This book isn’t for the simple-minded and happily-ever-after people, so if you’re into the good-guy-always-wins type please don’t pick up this book. I loved reading about the characters. Who they are, their thoughts, how every person’s secrets affect others, and how that secret ties into the story. Bluff isn’t a book you’ll walk away from and forget. You’ll think about how the book ties into your life, and the question “what would I have done?” The plot isn’t straightforward and easy to pick up on, I believe that’s how the author intended it. Every problem is something that happens in real life and hopefully you will not have to make the same choice to keep or to remove the life support plug. Don’t skip any pages or you’ll miss an important aspect of the plot. I recommend Bluff to those that want to finish a book and be left with deep questions.

4 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling by Laura L Mays Hoopes

Monday, November 26, 2012
Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling

In Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling, Hoopes traces her development as a woman biologist, how she fell in love with DNA but encountered discouraging signals from men in science, how she married and balanced both family and career, and why she's glad not to be a Harvard professor.

Goodreads Summary

Hoopes’s memoir bases around her scientific field of work. I was apprehensive to read it because I thought it would be too confusing to me... I don’t know science. If you ask me how light bulbs work I will say, “Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and got electrocuted”. So yeah…  Thankfully you don’t have to be a scientist to understand what this book is about. There’s nothing about chromosomes or some other thing I learned in high school. This book is about how she became one of the most successful scientists. It wasn’t just working hard at school, graduating, and BAM job opening. The storyline was set in a time where women weren’t treated as equals in the work place. Not only that, her husband died young leaving her with a son to take care of. This was extra hard on her and I commend her for doing such a great job. I couldn’t handle the situations Hoopes was in.

Not only do you read about her struggles, there are also her achievements. She tells her story in a serious and fun manner. You’ll find yourself smiling sometimes at the jokes and puns she writes which makes some of her serious statements a little lighter and less depressing. I recommend this book for someone who wants to read about accomplishing struggles and goals that were hard during a time when women were treated as second class. I’m very glad there are women like Hoopes who take challenges head on and succeed!

4 Stars

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Dead Running by Cami Checketts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dead Running

Cassidy Christensen is running.
Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents.
Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable.
Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.
With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she’ll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them? When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.

Goodreads Summary

Checketts is an amazing author. I’ve never read a book by her before and now I’m putting all of them on my to-read list! Cassidy (Cassie) Christensen was pressured to run a 5k marathon by her sister-in-law and wasn’t very happy about it. A very handsome man came up and said he’d train with her. Come on… a cute man training with you almost every day? Yes, please. After a while, she figures out some people might not be friends and trust becomes an issue.

The first thing I want to say: relating to characters and their development is key to a great book. If someone annoys me by making huge stupid mistakes and not learning from them, whining, tons of angst… Krystal always has to tell me to calm down. I just get so passionate with characters that anger me and, sadly Krystal has to hear me yelling about it for months. ANYWAY, this book has the opposite problem. I want more Cassie! She’s a kick butt woman who works hard and is SMART. Humor is everywhere in this book and I ended up laughing many times.  All of the characters are relatable. So much development is poured into the story and characters; I just wonder why other authors can’t do that. Mind you, it doesn’t take away from the plot. No, it adds to it. All of her friends and two guys that are swooning over her have some sort of nickname and quirk that makes them different from each other. Everyone has a distinctive personality, no one is one-dimensional.

The suspense, mystery, and romance don’t disappoint. When you think you’ve figured out who the bad guy is, BAM! The whole book keeps you on your toes and the plot doesn’t move too fast or too slow.  This is probably the most amazing book based on the characters alone I have read in a long time. Seriously, I can’t get over how much I loved all of the characters. It’s like book instalove.

5 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Queen of the Waves by Janice Thompson

Monday, November 26, 2012

Queen of the Waves

When pampered Jacqueline Abington secretly elopes with the family gardener, she asks another woman to take her place on the much anticipated maiden voyage of the Titanic. Tessa Yarborough hails from a poor corner of London but has been granted the opportunity of a lifetime--a ticket to sail to America aboard a famed vessel. But there's a catch: she must assume Jacqueline's identity. For the first time in her life, Tessa stays in luxurious quarters, dresses in elegant gowns, and dines with prestigious people. Then a wealthy American man takes an interest in her, and Tessa struggles to keep up the ruse as she begins falling for him. When tragedy strikes, the game is up, and two women's lives are forever changed.

Goodreads Summary

Queen of the Waves is a fantastic Titanic story. First off, the movie absolutely traumatized me. I was in the third grade and saw people jumping from the ship, Jack freaking died… oh my god!  I was a mess. That’s why when I saw this book had something to do with the Titanic, I was leery. I’ve never read a book on the Titanic, so I thought I’d give it a try. You don’t hear screams in a book.

Jacqueline is privileged; her parents want her to marry someone she doesn’t love. Instead, she fell for the gardener, Peter. She wants to stay where she is, she does not want to live in her grandmother’s house, and the two of them make plans to get Peter’s sister, Tessa, on board instead. Tessa is abused by her father. Peter wanted a better life for his sister, so the plan was set. Tessa went through training to become an heiress and was finally ready for her voyage. Little did they know, this little devious plan would affect them greatly… and not for the good.

This book didn’t disturb me at all like the movie. Instead, it was an enjoyable ride. Don’t get me wrong, the sinking of the ship was still awful to read about, but the plot was so interesting I had to know what was next. Jacqueline and Tessa are strong characters who know what they want. It’s hard being a woman during those times, but both of them held their heads up high and took on the world. Just because you know the ending of Titanic doesn’t mean you know the ending of the characters. My heart bled and soared with the characters’ feelings. The plot had nice pacing; I didn’t skim any pages. There wasn’t a lot of romance, which was fine with me… it didn’t take anything away from the plot. If you’re like me and are iffy about a Titanic book, don’t worry about this one. I recommend it for you too!

4 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Secrets by Tim Mettey

Monday, November 26, 2012


The Midwest lies in complete ruins after a catastrophic disaster kills tens of thousands and leaves hundreds of thousands injured. Nicholas Keller emerges out of the devastation as a shining light of hope for all. But his newfound fame comes with a price that his aunt will not let him pay. They flee into the shadows in order to protect his secret. However, as Nicholas begins his sophomore year at his fifth school in five years, strange and unexpected things begin to happen. He soon tumbles into a web of doomed love, extraordinary talents and a secret past, which threatens the lives of everyone he cares about. It’s up to Nicholas to confront the truth, even if it means his own death.

Goodreads Summary

Nicholas Keller lives with his Aunt Cora, who he calls “mom”; for the past five years they’ve been moving to different towns. Cora always says to “keep a low profile” or they’ll have to move again. Nicholas wants this year to be different so he tries out for the school football team. Upon playing there’s something off… like how fast his speed is and other weird unexplainable occurrences. No one notices and just believes he’s really good at sports; he makes the JV team.  His aunt said it was fine, but still warned him to not bring attention to himself. To him, things were finally looking up, but it didn’t stop there. We meet a girl name Elle, who Nicholas falls in love with at first site. She’s cute and they become a couple. Problem: Oliver. He bullies Nicholas because Nicholas is dating Elle.

Wowza! This book really keeps the reader intrigued from beginning to end! Secrets is a great name for this book, because that’s what happens through out the whole book. Something paranormal and mysterious is happening to Nicholas and he doesn’t know why; his aunt is running from something he doesn’t know about. The mystery keeps the reader flipping through the pages. There are some definite hints while reading, but it’s still very hard to figure out the ending. Some books have too many obvious clues where you end up going “Yeah. I saw that one coming”. In this book big twists happen. At the end of the book everything ties up nicely... no loose ends or questions that need answering. I recommend this book for a great paranormal, drama, romance, and mystery.

4 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Seeker of Shadows by Nancy Gideon

Monday, November 26, 2012
Seeker of Shadows (Moonlight, #6)

Susanna Duchamps risks discovery in New Orleans to settle a debt and to temporarily escape the controlled constraints of her place among the Chosen. What she, seeker of shadows, finds is an opportunity to make miraculous strides with her research into Shifter genetics . . . and an unexpected, though never forgotten, link to her complicated past.

Shifter club owner, Jacques LaRoche is fiercely protective of his freedom. Stripped of his memories of a former life, he longs for the mate now lost to him . . . until the enticingly familiar presence of a mysterious stranger from the north ignites a primal, nearly uncontrollable need to release the untamed beast inside him.

Susanna dares not tell Jacques that she was the one who sacrificed his past and her future years ago to protect him and the secret she carried. But her arrival in New Orleans comes with consequences. When a bloody confrontation erupts between their enemy clans, will she betray her lover once again or throw her own life on the line so they can finish what they started?

Goodreads Summary

This is the first book I’ve read in the Moonlight series. It’s always hard getting into the book when you’re so far ahead, but the plot seemed so interesting I just couldn’t wait! Gideon gave me enough information to understand what was going on, but I was left with questions that would have been answered with the past five books. I’m definitely going to read the first ones to fully understand the sixth, but that didn’t take away from how thrilling the plot is!

Susanna made a difficult choice. She needed to save her mate, so betraying him and wiping all of his memories was something she had to do. It killed her, but it was for the greater good. It was very heartbreaking to see her leave the love of her life and that’s what sucked me into the next chapters.  We fast forward years later and find out Jacques now owns a shifter bar and has become very successful. Susanna runs into Jacques while accomplishing a favor for a friend and the book heats up.

Sparks fly when Susanna walks into the bar. Jacques finds her attractive… no, MORE than attractive. Those thoughts are weird to him. Why is he feeling such a strong reaction to this woman? What makes her so special? He tries his hardest to stay away from this woman who randomly captured his heart.

First thing I have to say: RAWR! The romance in this book doesn’t disappoint. You really feel bad for both characters… Susanna is relatable, and knowing why she had to wipe Jacques’s memories tears her apart. The mystery aspect is great; every page is addicting. The reader will root for both characters. There is plenty of adventure and the plot is fast-paced.  Everything came together nicely, and I’ve become a Nancy Gideon fan!

3 1/2 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Summoning the Night by Jenn Bennett

Monday, November 26, 2012

Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, #2)

MAGICAL TRICKS. DEMONIC TREATS. After narrowly escaping her fate as a sacrificial scapegoat, Arcadia Bell is back to normal. Or at least as ordinary as life can be for a renegade magician and owner of a tiki bar that caters to Earthbound demons. She’s gearing up for the busiest day of the year—Halloween—when a vengeful kidnapper paralyzes the community. The influential head of the local Hellfire Club taps Cady to track down the fiendish bogeyman, and now that she’s dating red-hot Lon Butler, the Club’s wayward son, she can hardly say no.

Cady and Lon untangle a gruesome thirty-year trail of clues that points to danger for the club members’ children. But locating the person behind the terror will require some metaphysical help from Cady’s loyal bar patrons as well as her potent new Moonchild powers—and she’d better figure it out before the final victim disappears and her own darkest secret becomes her biggest enemy.

Goodreads Summary

This second book in the series made me want to read the first, so after reading Kindling the Moon I was ready for action. When you read other reviews on Goodreads and Amazon they all talk about how amazing the love between Lon and Arcadia is. I have to say they’re completely 100% right! My gosh! It’s like a match made in heaven. Both of them have each other’s backs and they act like they’ve been married for quite some time. They work as a team, not individually. Lon’s son, Jupe, is also a wonderful character. Almost all the time teenagers in books are moody, have some sort of war with their parent, and have so much angst you just want to skip those parts. In this book, it was a wonderful relief to see how nice and caring he is. No tantrums or “I hate you get away from me whaaaaa!” that makes readers roll their eyes. The plot moved at a great pace; nothing was too fast or too slow.

I do have to give ONE criticism. During the book, Arcadia has some “oops” moments that make me want to take her by the shoulders and shake her. It’s not fair for me to say because the actions she takes have a back-story, but it still was annoying. Also, the mystery aspect was kind of off. The readers know who the bad guy is within a few chapters, so if you’re looking for a huge twist you’ll already know it before anyone says anything. Don’t get me wrong, there are twists, but the biggest one was a let down.

What steals the book are the characters… watching them grow is exciting to see and I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy. Bennett is an amazing author and I became a huge fan!

4 Stars

*Reviewed by Rachel*

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The Breath of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Breath of Dawn

Kristen Heitzmann Delivers Powerful New Romantic Suspense
Morgan Spencer has had just about all he can take of life. Following the tragic death of his wife, Jill, he retreats to his brother's Rocky Mountain ranch to heal and focus on the care of his infant daughter, Olivia. Two years later, Morgan begins to make plans to return to his home in Santa Barbara to pick up the pieces of his life and career.
Quinn Riley has been avoiding her past for four years. Standing up for the truth has forced her into a life of fear and isolation. After a "chance" first meeting and a Thanksgiving snowstorm, Quinn is drawn into the Spencer family's warm and loving world, and she begins to believe she might find freedom in their friendship.
The man Quinn helped put behind bars has recently been released, however, and she fears her past will endanger the entire Spencer family. As the danger heightens, she determines to leave town for the sake of the people who have come to mean so much to her.
Fixing problems is what Morgan Spencer does best, and he is not willing to let Quinn run away, possibly into the clutches of a man bent on revenge. But Morgan's solution sends him and Quinn on an unexpected path, with repercussions neither could have anticipated.

Goodreads Summary

The Breath of Dawn is the first book by Heitzmann I have read and I’m glad I got the chance to review it! The story revolves around two conflicted individuals colliding and saving each other in more than one way. Quinn Reilly sent a con man to jail and he promised her that he will “make her pay”. Now – four years later – he was released. Her sister Hannah called to warn her, putting Quinn on the run. Morgan Spencer had lost the love of his life in a car crash, plus a daughter due to leukemia, which leaft him with his youngest infant named Olivia (Livie for short). When his wife died, he moved into his brothers’ guest ranch in the high country of Colorado. Moving forward a few years, Morgan wants to move back to Santa Barbara. One day he sees his neighbor, Quinn, is moving, so he thinks of buying her house instead.

Worlds clash and both Quinn and Morgan help each other emotionally and physically. Quinn feels like she’s a part of a family and Morgan tries to open his heart. It hurts for him; the pain of losing his wife is still an open wound. Even though Quinn wants to stay, she cannot risk the lives of the people she’s come to care about.

This book isn't a very “happy” book. It has conflict, inner struggles, a little bit of humor to take the edge off, and lessons to be learned. I don’t like drama books at ALL… instead I’m more of a happy-go-lucky / instalove type. Looking past all of that I really enjoyed the plotline and characters. Yes, it’s sad and I teared up a little, but it was interesting and kept me engaged. That’s honestly hard to do for me. Heitzmann put so much energy into this book and the reader can tell. This isn't a book that the reader will forget about. When I was finished with the book I kept thinking about it for a few days and letting the messages and ending sink in. It’s not a “cute” book, but something I would recommend for people. I didn't skip any pages, every single one kept me engaged. Even though I don’t like drama books, I would recommend this particular novel to adult readers.

5 Stars

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*Reviewed by Rachel*

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Wisteria Book Blast and Giveaway!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Title: Wisteria
Author: Bisi Leyton
Genre:  Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Date of Publication:  Aug 2012
Number of pages: 275
Cover Artist: Olivia Smith

Wisteria by Bisi Leyton:

Sixteen year old Wisteria Kuti has two options—track the infected around the Isle of Smythe or leave the only known safe haven and face a world infested with flesh eating biters. But even with well-armed trackers, things go wrong and Wisteria ends up alone facing certain death, until she is rescued by the mysterious Bach. Uninfected, Bach is able to survive among the hordes of living dead.

Eighteen year old Bach, from a race known as The Family, has no interest in human affairs. He was sent here to complete his Great Walk and return home as a man—as a Sen Son. The Family regard humans as Dirt People, but Bach is drawn to this Terran girl, whom he has never seen before, but somehow knows.

Hunted by flesh eaters, cannibals, and the mysterious blood thirsty group called Red Phoenix, Wisteria and Bach make their way back to the Isle of Smythe, a community built on secrets and lies.

Praise for Wisteria:

“I love the buildup of this story, getting to know the characters and watching their connection grow. I had no idea which way the story was headed and I was kept in suspense right up to the very end! It has plenty of action and a fascinating plot and I can’t wait to see what Bisi Leyton has for us next!!” 

“There are a lot of great things in this book, so much more than zombies and a struggle for survival. At it’s base core it is about star-crossed lovers, literally and the supporting characters roles… Ms. Leyton brings to Wisteria a mixture of science fiction, fantasy, dystopic world with a twist to the paranormal romance angle!”

“The book was full of nonstop action from the beginning until the end, and I did not put it down until I had finished it. I loved the book.” 


As she walked back to the ridge of the roof, Bach’s heart went with her. Someone had tried to hurt her. Tried to damage what belonged to him, and who he belonged to.
He started to feel dizzy from the volumes of strangle weed planted in the front of her house.
“Thank you so much for coming and for the guitar. It’s perfect.” She gave it back to him.
“No, it is yours, Wisteria.” He refused to take it. “Do you not like it?”
“No, I love it. It’s so beautiful.”
“Then keep it.” He kissed her neck. Knowing—hoping—his touch would soothe her pain, but he hadn’t come here to comfort her.
“Bach.” She used her instrument as a shield as she moved away from him. “It’s a bad idea. You won’t understand.”
“You are right. I do not get why you would refuse something you apparently love,” he whispered while rubbing her forearms and taking in her scent.
“If I accept your kindness, then I’ll have to face the consequences. I don’t know if I can face those.”
“You cannot face accepting my kindness, or is it accepting me that you cannot face?”
“Tell me that you do not feel the same,” he whispered. “That the moment you first saw me that I did not get inside your head. Tell me that you do not think about me all of the time when we are not together?”
The dark-eyed girl did not answer.
Wishing he could will her to speak, he pressed her against his chest. Briefly, he noticed a black spot at the base of her neck, where he had kissed her, and then it was gone. “Okay, Wisteria. Then tell me that you want me to leave, and that you do not care if you never ever see me again.” He felt like someone else was speaking for him, once again. The questions became pointless as he found himself still planting kisses along her neck and the sides of her face.
“I can’t tell you that, Bach,” she replied softly, her voice breaking. “Because it’s not true.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly.
Desperately wanting to kiss her luscious-looking lips, he leaned into her.
Wisteria reached up to him, tugging his head down as she stood on the very tips of her toes, seemingly just as eager to taste his lips.
“Wisteria, I cannot.” He broke away before it happened. “I do not want this.”
* * * * *
Wrapping her arms around herself, she moved away from him. Once again, humiliated and feeling foolish. “Goodnight, Bach!” She strode angrily to the side of the roof in order to climb down.
He grabbed her and held her back
The guy came here just to tease her, yet again! Didn’t he know he was hurting her? Didn’t he care? “I’m tired of all this nonsense. I’m actually tired and need some sleep. I’m done with this. All of this!” She should’ve left the roof when she saw him appear. “Let go, so I can go.”
“Wisteria, it is not that.” Exhaling heavily, he released her. “My people could kill you if they knew I wanted you.”
This wasn’t at all what she’d expected him to say. “What?”
“I am in love with you. I do not know why, but I am. And it is selfish, because I just want you for myself.” Sadness filled his eyes as he spoke.
“Why would they do that to me?”
“Because you are human and because we see humans as Terran, or dirt people.”
“And you believe that too? So why are you here, living among us, if we’re so disgusting?”
“You are not disgusting. You are beautiful.” Rubbing his temples, he seemed troubled and bewildered. “I came to Terra as a rite of passage. To be considered a man, to take a journey and experience the wild.”
“The wild?”
“I chose Terra, or Earth, because I came here as a child. Your people treated me so badly in the past. When I learned about the Nero disease, I wanted to see your world.” He paused. “You were right when you said there was something wrong with me.”
“Bach, it cannot be that bad.” Stepping up to him, she stroked her fingers along his biceps.
The sweet motion made him smile at her, but he still looked distressed.
“Like about Garfield, you let him live with you. And now you’re here with me.”
“You are not like the rest.”
“Neither are you. You’re not so cold and cruel like Enric or patronizing like Felip. They think they’re better than us. You just hate people because you’re a jerk, Bach.”
“Ha.” Bach laughed. “A jerk?”
“You’re a big jerk.” As the final word rolled from her lips, he kissed her.
She was stunned for a second. His lips tasted like a strange, tantalizing spice.
He squeezed her against his larger frame and rested his right hand on the small of her back.
She fidgeted, unsure about what to do with her hands. She tried to kiss him back, but she struggled because she was so short.

Book Trailer:

Audiobook Excerpt: 

Author Bisi Leyton:
Bisi Leyton was born in East London in 1978. She grew up in London, Nigeria and the States, listening to the stories life and love from aunts, cousins and big sisters.
She lives in London, but has worked around Europe including France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. She has a fondness for reading graphic novels.


Kindle Fire Giveaway Details:
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