What was that noise? The cat? The wind?
Little brother stealing a peek at your diary?
Or is it a ghost?
The Girls' Ghost Hunting Guide will help you identify the creepy crawlers from the spooky spirits, the howling winds fromt he haunting phantoms. And with this guide you can learn from real experts how to investigate and contact your very own ghosts!
Everything a girl needs for a night full of fun, including:
• Spooky urban legends to set the mood
• Must-have stuff for your ghost hunting kit
• Pointers for leading the best-ever ghost hunt
• Tips for writing your own ghost
• With fun quizzes, games, recipes, and more!
So gather your friends if they are brave enough, grab a flashlight, and go investigate!
Goodreads Summary
This ghostly handbook is perfect for young teens planning a spooky sleepover. This cute cartooned guide includes interviews with psychic ghost hunters, explains mid -1800s spirit photographs, recounts the story of “Resurrection Mary” and “Bloody Mary” (stories I’ve heard since childhood), includes recipes and jokes, suggests spooky movies, and much more. Some of the explanations and stories seem aimed at an older crowd too. My husband finds cemeteries interesting; he liked the list of tombstone symbols and what they signify.
Where should you research ghosts? What decorations/effects will help you to tell a great ghost story? How would you create a spooky, suspenseful story with attention-grabbing, quirky characters? Check out the book for hints.
This little guidebook will make a fun gift for middle school age kids, especially at Halloween!
Three and a Half Stars
*Reviewed by Colleen*
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Hahaha, looks adorable! Wish I'd had one like that when having sleepovers with my girlfriends long, long ago :)
I love the cover, too! So cute! Thanks for spotlighting it!