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Haunted Open House Giveaway!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This product or book may have been distributed for review, this in no way affects my opinions or reviews. COPYRIGHT © 2014 LIVE TO READ


  1. Daniel M said...:

    haven't read much horror so probably stephen king - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  1. Beth W said...:

    Holly Black! I love how her stuff is always creepy and character-driven.

  1. Susan T. said...:

    Jennifer McMahon. Her latest book scared the pants off me! :)

  1. Don't read many horror books, but Kendare Blake is really good. I love Anna Dressed in Blood.

  1. Unknown said...:

    I don't really read horror, but my kids like reading R. L. Stine's Goosebumps series.

  1. Unknown said...:

    The only horror I have read and enjoyed has been Stephen King!! Loved Misery, The Shining, and Thinner the far.

  1. I don't think I've ever read any horror novels, so I don't have a favorite.
    k3kdpv at gmail dot com

  1. I'd have to go with Stephen King as well. I used to love his books when I was younger.

  1. Stephen King. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  1. I really don't watch horror movies or read horror books. Hocus Pocus is about as scary as I get :)

  1. Sydney said...:

    I don't usually read horror novels, though I am willing to go out of my comfort zone to test a few out. In fact, I am planning to read one sometime within the next few days!