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Shades of Gray by Andy Holloman

Saturday, January 12, 2013

-- April 2012 -- Shades of Gray hits #1 BestSeller on Amazon for Fiction - Men's Adventure..... Pick up a copy today and start your adventure.

How far would you go to save your child's life? Could you break the law?


What if your business was suddenly in danger of going under because of 9/11?

A single father decides to partner up with woman from the opposite side of the tracks.

Can their partnership deliver the cash they BOTH desperately need?

Could they fall in love?

And will they survive to see the Summer of 2002?

(Combine "Breaking Bad" and "Cops" with a disturbing, dark remake of "The Love

Boat" and you have all the flavors of SHADES OF GRAY)

Amazon Summary

John Manning is a desperate man.  He owns a good business, one that he is proud of.  He happens to own a travel agency, however, at a bad time.  9/11 happens and the nation is in shock, many are afraid to travel, especially to fly.  Naturally, John's business suffers and he must look elsewhere to support his family.  When he learns that his daughter requires an expensive organ transplant, he knows he must forgo his usual morals.  He becomes entangled with a woman who knows the value of money...and was raised with little of it.  Their entanglement will feel very natural and realistic to the reader.  They decide to help each other through this financial crunch...and they find unexpected ways to ease the financial burden.

The characters feel almost as if they could be the readers' friends or family.  The author spends just the right amount of time expanding their characters, making them dynamic.  The plot it very fast-paced and makes the book hard to put down.  The author has a good way of words, though sometimes it felt like a couple words were used too often.  At the end of this book, the reader will find the characters are plot hard to forget.  There are more than a few twists and turns that will surprise the reader.  Overall, this book is recommended to adult readers.

3 1/2 Stars

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