She just got thrown a major curveball.
Miranda Kenneally’s newest novel is already knocking it out of the park as The Los Angeles Times dubs it one of the most “most highly anticipated young adult books for the fall.” Parker Shelton is desperately trying to prove that she is NOTHING like her mom—who caused a scandal by leaving Parker’s dad for another woman. In response, she leaves her all-star softball reputation behind and creates even more gossip for herself by chasing after the hot new assistant baseball coach who understands her feelings of loneliness and isolation. But flirting with a 23-year-old might be taking it a step to far…especially when he starts flirting back.
Goodreads Summary
Parker, the main character, goes from the “perfect girl” to the “girl with a secret.” The reader will get to know her during a critical time in her life-her mother is a lesbian. Parker’s mother leaves Parker’s father to try to discover just how she wants to live her life. Parker is left in the lurch. She goes from being a popular girl with the potential for valedictorian to dieting and forgetting about school. Parker has a bit of a social breakdown, one with consequences. She decides to try multiple boys in order to prove her non-lesbian status. When the new baseball coach gives her a flirty smile, Parker figures that just maybe, she should try him out as well.
Parker’s character was a little hard to like right away. She doesn’t handle her mother’s revelation with maturity at all and decides to go gonzo with boys. When flip-flopping from boy to boy doesn’t seem to work, Parker goes for the first older guy who seems interested. The baseball coach, Brian, seems to be taking risks with Parker that could turn out badly. He is interested in her one day, then unsure the next. Author Miranda Kenneally takes a very awkward subject and normalizes it to the point where readers will not feel uncomfortable reading this book. The book focuses around this unusual and illegal relationship between a minor and an authority figure. Eventually, the reader will warm up to Parker and hope that Parker decides to think twice about her latest relationship.
Stealing Parker is an interesting book about a different kind of relationship. Parker and Brian’s illicit relationship will allow the reader to decide for him/herself what he/she thinks. Although the book doesn’t have to be taken overly seriously, the author handled the topic in a mature way that every teenage reader should try reading. This book is recommended to young adult/teen readers.
3 ½ Stars
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I've heard such amazing things about this author. I'm really looking forward to reading this one. I can't wait to see how the writer handles the relationship between Parker and the assistant coach.