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Antiphon (The Psalms of Isaak Book 3) by Ken Scholes

Friday, December 20, 2013

Nothing is as it seems to be.

The ancient past is not dead. The hand of the Wizard Kings still reaches out to challenge the Androfrancine Order, to control the magick and technology that they sought to understand and claim for their own.

Nebios, the boy who watched the destruction of the city of Windwir, now runs the vast deserts of the world, far from his beloved Marsh Queen. He is being hunted by strange women warriors, while his dreams are invaded by warnings from his dead father.

Jin Li Tam, queen of the Ninefold Forest, guards her son as best she can against both murderous threats, and the usurper queen and her evangelists. They bring a message: Jakob is the child of promise of their Gospel, and the Crimson Empress is on her way.

And in hidden places, the remnants of the Androfrancine order formulate their response to the song pouring out of a silver crescent that was found in the wastes.

Goodreads Summary

The adventure is back again in the third book of "The Psalms of Isaak" and this follows suit with the first two that were released. We see the same characters in all of their glory with the action and adventure that we have come to know and like in this series. The bloody intense battles continue and many of the individual characters ambitions and goals cross paths.

One downside to the multiple characters and plots going on at once is that there is some overlap and as a consequence there is some of the story that comes off as a repeat upon itself. It is necessary to tell the story from the multiple points of view to get all of the characters in, however I felt it was a bit redundant at times.

The author does a good job at keeping your attention and making you want to read more and know how this story concludes. Lucky for "The Psalms of Isaak" lovers that there are more in this series coming.

3.5 Stars

*Reviewed by Chris*

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