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Teaching Children about Sex Using the Temple as Your Guide

Saturday, February 14, 2015

It’s time for “the talk.” Teach your children the truth about sexual intimacy in a world of shifting values and ideas. With expert advice and age-appropriate wording, you learn how to use the temple as a beautiful analogy to discuss with your kids the sacred subject of sex. Timely and clear, this book is a must-read for parents, teachers, and leaders.

Goodreads Summary

This is a great book that talks about a christian approach to talking with your children about sex as they grow up. There is a guide to what to talk about at certain times as the kids reach specific ages and there is definitely a good step by step process laid out. It even goes into the tough questions that your kids will undoubtedly ask at one time or another. Those of you out there that are apprehensive about bringing the topic of sex up with your kids, this book is for you.

3.5 Stars

Reviewed by Chris

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