Allison Rushby
The Heiresses
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hmm. Number of books this year. Well, I had put my Goodreads to be up at 250 I believe, but since I hit over 100 in April I'm thinking of raising it to 400.
I am aiming to read 60 books this year!
Thanks for the giveaway
My email: mrsjtucker2012[at]gmail[dot]com
I don't have a goal of how many books to read, I just kinda read them as I go and when I'm done, I'm done. I mean, I definitely read quite a bit, at least a book a week, but... no goals for me.
I am aiming for at least 100, but I'm hoping for more. Thanks for having the giveaway.
don't know, not very many because can't afford anything - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
My current Goodreads goal is 150, and I'm slightly ahead right now, so hopefully I can go beyond that :)
Yikes... I have 5 kids so I'll be lucky to get 50 done. My to read pile will not diminish much.
My goal is 100, but I'm a little ahead. Hopefully I can pass it.
I would be ecstatic if I could get through 40. My life is crazy busy, but hopefully I'll get caught up over summer.
I really don't have a goal. I read when I can get a book. I'm disabled and can't afford to buy books all the time. So I read if I win one or if I extra money. Also I'm a slow reader I have cataracts in both eyes and I'm on medication, I fall asleep reading easily. Thanks for the giveaway!
Donna Harris
I'd love to read 50 books this year! (But probably won't be able to.)
Goodness I have no idea. I do hope to make a dent in my TBR pile though!
I'm going to try and read at least 170 this, maybe I'll read more. :D
Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!!!!
I am aiming for 120 and at my pace, I will reach my goal. Next year I'm going for 150! :)
I recently raised my Goodreads challenge from 250 to 300, since I recently passed 240.
Hopefully, I will have to raise it again later on as well. ☺
My goal is to read at least 50 books this year. It would be a lot more but I don't have a lot of down time as I had last year and the year before. Thank you so much for having these AWESOME giveaways!!!
My aim is somewhere at 50, but likely a little less will get done.
Maybe around 30 or so. I'm a fast reader but I just don't have a lot of time to read :(
Whatever I get to. I haven't been keeping close track but think I'm at about 20ish so far which is low for me but its been a slow year for reading.
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Interesting premise