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Best of 2016 Giveaway Hop!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

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  1. To be able to work more and maybe go on a trip! Thank you for the giveaway!

  1. Mai T. said...:

    My new year resolution: read more books than I did last year.

  1. Try and clean my house more.

  1. My New Years resolution is to downsize the amount of stuff I have around the house that we no longer use and donate what we can.

  1. To grow more as a person.


  1. My resolution is to lose weight.

  1. I didn't really choose set resolutions, but I do have some goals I want to work on and the book related one is to read more of the books I already own. :)

  1. My New Year's Resolution is to read more books.

  1. steph y said...:

    To get my house more organized.

  1. steph y said...:

    To get my house more organized.

  1. I don't do resolutions but I did promise myself to read more books I already have on my shelf rather than getting more ARCs

  1. Amanda said...:

    I really don't have any - I'm going to just continue to eat healthier and drink more water!

  1. Unknown said...:

    To not make a resolution :)

  1. Megan said...:

    Keep building my business and to also get better when reviewing books. My thoughts get all jumbled up and I feel like they don't make sense to anyone but me!

  1. I don't make resolutions.

  1. Eat healthy and get more exercise 😊

  1. I didn't make any this year, because I never keep them. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  1. I don't make New Years Resolutions....

  1. To read more, get more organized and cook more great meals for my family. Thank you

  1. Judy said...:

    My resolutions are too eat heathier and exercise a little more often this year!!!

  1. My New Year's resolution is to stop procrastinating (not going very well), to try and read as much as I can (despite having less time to) and to catch up on my TV shows

  1. Sayomay said...:

    Travel more and get my TEFL certification!

  1. I'm actually trying a set reading list this year, 30 books I want to mark as read by December 31. I'll try not to get too distracted.

  1. KAS said...:

    My resolution this year is to focus less on number of books read and challenge myself to read non-fiction and literary fiction titles that can be draining as well as rewarding rather than only fun fiction. Thanks for this! Cheers, Kara S

  1. bn100 said...:

    read more

  1. Unknown said...:

    My NY Resolution is to try and be more organized and not procrastinate as much as I have been.

  1. My new years resolution is to read the entire Harry Potter series.

  1. I'm trying to find more balance this year.

  1. Eat less, Move more
    Stress less, laugh more
    buy less, give more

  1. I did not do any resolutions...LOL and I kept everyone of them!


  1. Unknown said...:

    To get more organized! Thank you!

  1. Erinberry said...:

    My resolution is the journal more. Thank you for the giveaway!

  1. Stacy said...:

    My resolution is to read 50 books.

  1. I don't really make resolutions but I'd like to lose some weight, stop smoking and get back to finding myself.

  1. BookLady said...:

    My New Years Resolution is to exercise more in 2016. Also to read more books!

  1. KateS said...:

    To save enough money to visit London!

  1. Autumn said...:

    My New Years resolution is to focus more on my family, and try to read at least five times a week.

  1. Unknown said...:

    The usual....lose some weight, exercise more and eat healthier.

  1. Jan Lee said...:

    My new year's resolution is to stay healthy since I had a heart attack in December 2016. :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    I don't usually make resolutions because I never seem to be able to keep them. This year, however, I have resolved to relax more and to spend more time with family and friends. Life has been getting in the way and I need to not let it any more.

  1. KateS said...:

    I made a few, one of them is to save enough money to visit London in the fall. :)

  1. Daniel M said...:

    didn't make any resolutions, just trying to survive another week