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Guest Post and Giveaway with Author Greg Kiser!
Getting Started
Think of a high concept. For me, that’s the ability to tap into the internet with your mind. So you can surf the internet the way you peruse your own memory today.
Try to remember the lyrics to a song. Might take a few seconds, then you remember. You find that information in your brain, obviously. Sort of a local hard drive, to use computer terms.
Now imagine you’re transparently tapped into the Global internet 24x7. Try to remember the lyrics to a song. They’re there instantly. Feels like you found them in your brain, just like before. But you didn’t. You found the words on a server in Germany. Doesn’t matter, all transparent to you.
Characters make a great story.
For me, anyway, it’s all about the characters. I’ll give a book 50 to 100 pages. By then if I haven’t connected with at least some of the characters then I generally won’t finish the book. Unless, maybe, the plot is just a killer, like The Da vinci Code, or something like that. Preferably, I’m looking for the protagonist to blow me away because most of the time you are reading from his/her point of view.
But occasionally it’s enough if the antagonist is blowing me away, such as the Hannibal series by Thomas Harris.
Now, you put together a novel that has two or three characters that I can identify with? Or more? That’s a novel I’m not going to put down.
Character driven plot – rare gems these days
They make the best TV and movies too. Think about Breaking Bad – hell yes the story is outstanding. But the cast, the cast! Walter, Jessie – sure. But also Hank, Skylar, the various villains. So you don’t mind when they switch scenes because the cast is great so all of the subplots are intriguing.
For my own novel, I probably relate to Mitch the most since I was in the Navy and I had similar discussions with my mother. My Mom always pushed me hard to get an education.
But I am most entertained by Cheslov. And most surprised by him. He is the character everyone who reads my novel seems to talk about. Some are darkly drawn to him. Most found him fascinating in his evilness. But he’s the one people remember. Me too.
Confidence is key
Just know that if you get in front of the keyboard at the right time of day for you, then you’ll write. Think about your characters, where the story is going to go. You don’t have to have it all planned out. It doesn’t have to be the next Da Vinci Code in terms of plot development. It just has to flow, to take on a life of it’s own.
Don’t start off thinking about how the hell you’re going to write a 300 page novel. Just start off and let the journey occur. Think about it and make your characters come alive and write their thoughts and lives and then let the interactions occur and you’ll be amazed and surprised and hopefully delighted by the results.
OK – so you have the high concept. Now what? Well, you have to have conflict. For me, I created a moral dilemma between the protagonist, the ‘monster’ Cheslov, and a local politician who thinks he has a direct connect with God.
Next – ratchet up the tension at every opportunity. I made my protagonist an ex-Navy seal so he could pretty much deal with anything. Made Cheslov part wolf, paranormal. Then went into detail explaining how screwed up the politician is, he’s hooked on drugs due to his wife’s death, etc. Keep ratcheting up.
Then create an outline – and write, write, write to fill in the outline. Don’t worry about adjectives or effect or the best dialogue or even grammar/punctuation.
First Draft
My initial draft took 3 months to write. Then finishing the novel took another 3 years.
Oh – and don’t let ANYBODY read that initial draft. It will suck, indeed.
I finished the first draft and put it down and thought – hey, this has got to be one of the best books EVER. The agents will be beating down my door when they get so much as a whiff of this manuscript! So I set it aside and took a little break. Felt like I was on top of the world.
A month later I opened the manuscript and started printing and reading (you must print and read to get the full effect. Not good enough to read a word doc directly from the computer. Better yet, print and read out loud to understand how the dialogue really sounds – helps avoid unrealistic speech. Example: “What is up with that” quickly becomes “What’s up with that” when you’re reading aloud).
Anyway, I started reading and was horrified at how bad it was. Thus started the 3 year polishing cycle.
Creating the initial draft is the hardest. The initial overall idea of what your book is going to be about. Who are the characters, what’s the high concept, where will the conflict come from.
Once you get past that and start writing, it gets easier.
And once you get that initial draft completed – then it’s fun. Truly. From that point forward, you only need to polish. Just pick you’re your gem every few days and polish for a few minutes. Hear someone say something funny at the mall, consider a tree limb in a park and how you might describe it, smell a familiar smell and let your mind run – all of these ‘experiences’ … feel them and bring them back into your novel as you polish and make it shine and breathe life into it. That’s the best part. Oh, it’s so hard to get that gem established at first. But once you do, it’s your gem. And it may never sell, it may never make millions of dollars – but it’s your gem and you can publish it and you can get it in print and you can show your friends and one day your children and one day, many years from now, you’ll read that work as a different person, as an older person. You’ll wonder who wrote that? You’ll be amazed all over again.
Greg Kiser is happily married to a wonderful and inspirational wife, Serena, and has two beautiful children – Miller and Grace.
Greg graduated from Southern Polytechnic University in Atlanta with a BS in Electrical Engineering. Greg also earned his MBA from the University of South Florida. He is currently a Director at Cisco, a high tech fortune 50 multinational corporation.
Greg has written extensively for fortune 50 high tech firms in describing next generation networks and painting pictures of the true evolution of technology for the consumer.
Book Title – inSyte
Genre – Paranormal Thriller
Format – Print & E-book
Released – May 13, 2011
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Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of this book with your email address!
I love the cover. I loved hearing about your process of completing this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
I enjoyed learning more about what it takes to write a book. Your book looks very interesting
thanks for the giveaway
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
The progression of your book was very interesting. I particularly like how you would read the draft out loud. That makes sense. I wish you well with your tour.
Awesome post, Greg! I, too, love to hear about the writing process from the author - being just a reader, it's sometimes hard to fathom how much work goes into writing a book. I really do respect what it takes, and I'm looking forward to reading this book :)
jwitt33 at live dot com
Hi! Nice post, interesting! I really like the cover! :P Thanks for this chance!
Wow, the cover is really interesting. I would definetly love a peek at the book :D
GREAT post, Greg...thanks for sharing your process with us today. That is one intense looking cover...I can't wait to get a look at the inside! I just KNOW it's gonna be so much MORE than GOOD! Thx or this winning opportunity!
barbbattaglia @
This book sounds great. I would like to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Rachel V
pefrw at yahoo dot com
Great post! I found it very insightful.
Stefanie McMullen
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- Krystal Larson
- Chicago, Illinois, United States
- I'm a young college student who has probably read over 5000 books over the course of my short life; some of the books were classics, some of the books were terrific, and some of the books were...misses. Even with the latter part I will always believe in the power of books to completely remove the reader from his/her present reality. Long Live Books! I would love to read and review books from just about any genre. To contact me: edysicecreamlover18 AT gmail DOT com Thank you for your interest! At this time, I can only accept paperback or hardcover. The finished review copies I receive are either kept in my personal collection or donated to several libaries, schools, or charities-I have no control over the finished review copies after donation. *I claim no ownership for any images used on this site. The copyrights belong to the owners. If there is a picture on this site that belongs to you, please email with a link to the post and the image will be immediately removed*
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Great post Greg. Thank you for hosting Greg today Krystal :).