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Huber Hill Blog Tour: Review and Giveaway!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When his grandfather dies, Huber Hill is devastated---until he opens Grandpa Nick's mysterious box. An old gold coin and directions to a hidden Spanish treasure send him and his friends off on an mind-blowing adventure, but he's not the only one on the hunt. Filled with dangerous animals and cryptic puzzles, this book will have you on the edge of your seat until the last page.

Goodreads Summary

The first quality the reader will notice about the book is the that the book is reminiscent of The Goonies-a childhood favorite movie concerning a group of kids attempting to find treasure while being chased by a bad gang of adults.  The main character in this book, Huber, is clever and precocious.  He's fun to read about, the reader will not be bored.  The secondary characters are interesting to read about, they all have their own quirks. 

Huber doesn't have the most exciting life in the world.  He is repeatedly bullied by Scott, the meaner character of the story, and his crush doesn't notice him.  His life is fairly normal and monotonous until someone who is very important to him dies.  When he loses his grandfather, Nicholas, he is shattered; his grandfather was the one person Huber always looked up to.  Over they years, his grandfather had told Huber stories of treasure and epic fights between the Spaniards and the Ute tribe,  the treasure was fought over, but never found.  As a parting gift to his grandchildren, Nicholas left them the treasure map.  The adventure takes off from this point.

The plot is fun to read about and inventive, the events are fast-paced, and the characters are, for the most part, likable.  This book is great for both boys and girls; Huber will appeal to the boys, Hannah (Scott's twin sister) to the girls, and the plot to both boys and girls.  This book was hard to put down and recommended to teens/children. 

4 Stars

The Giveaway:
I'll also be giving away a replicated gold coin/bookmark to each reader who goes to my author page on facebook and clicks the "like" button- Go to: In addition, one lucky follower of live to read will receive a free e-copy of the book.  To enter the giveaway, leave your facebook name if you want to be eligible for the gold coin/bookmark with your email and GFC name (if GFC isn't working-you can use Networked blogs). 

Thank you for being part of this tour!


  1. Unknown said...:

    Im always on the lookout for potential books for my daughter and this one sounds like a hit. I loves goonies! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
    Facebook like as Sherri McCarver
    GFC is Nikki

  1. My Facebook Page-

    Cassandra Ruiz-GFC
    Oh, I hope I win. Thank you a lot.

  1. I have been following this tour, and the books sounds like a great one!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Lisa is GFC and facebook. lisapeters at yahoo dot com thanks I loved the Goonies

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hello everyone,

    As stated, if you go to my author page- and click the "like" button, I will send you a message requesting your mailing address for the coin. If you're unable to receive personal messages via facebook, email your mailing address to (after liking the page).

    Thanks so much!

  1. Facebook is michelle smith
    GFC is michelle
    email is

  1. This looks like a great book for my kids! Thanks for the giveaway:)
    Facebook: Julie Witt
    GFC: Julie Witt
    email: jwitt33 at live dot com

  1. No said...:

    This looks really interesting, I'd love to read it.

    My FB name is Nikki Greis
    GFC is nikki @ for the love of books
    email is creativity lost at me dot com

  1. Sounds like a great read.
    Best of luck.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  1. Unknown said...:

    Facebook - Donna McBroom-Theriot
    My Life. One Story at a Time.

    I have a giveaway going on. Would love for you to enter! Thanks!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    This sounds really cool :)
    Facebook like as Chelsea Karson
    GFC is Chelsea Carson

  1. jacque said...:

    The interview video was hysterical!!
    Facebook name Jacque nichols stengel
    GFC name Jacque stengel
    twinmomx5 at gmail dot com

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I have not heard of you , but I always look for new and exciting books to read!! Looking forward to reading this one!!

  1. Eli Yanti said...:

    about treasure hem..make me remember about treasure movie by nicholas cage as the actor ^^

    GFC and facebook : eli yanti
    email :

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Congrats to Chelsea Karson, winner of the free e-copy of Huber Hill and the Dead Man's Treasure. Thanks again to everyone who "liked" the facebook page. If you didn't receive a message from me through facebook requesting your address, please send it to if you're interested in receiving the coin and bookmark.