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A Gift of Love by Dr. Claus, Christopher Vassallo (Illustrator)

Sunday, August 21, 2011
On September 11, 2001 a little girl begins second grade. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. On this day she receives a gift of love from her daddy. Read this story, written through the eyes of a second grader and know Love is as strong as destruction. This story is dedicated to FDNY Ten House Members: Gregg Arthur Atlas James J. Corrigan Stephen Gary Harrell Jeffrey James Olsen Paul Pansini Sean Patrick Tallon and all who perished on September 11, 2001. We will remember!

Goodreads Summary

Everyone will remember what they were doing on 9/11.  I know two special girls, one just starting second grade - like the girl in the book, who went to school on that morning.  On that morning, they prayed for the innocent victims and heroes on that day.  The poetry of this book reminded them, and will remind any reader, of an ordinary day that quickly turned into a day of shock and sadness.  The story will also reinforce the memories from the weeks that followed when tales of heroism and love dominated the national news.

The book may prompt a parent-child discussion of the events of 9/11.  Grade school children will enjoy the story, and parents will be touched by this remembrance’s expression of love, pride, gratitude, and loss.
4 Stars

guest post by Colleen Corsiglia