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SatisFillment: Your Proven Pathway to POWER Action Guide by Eden Sterlington

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Boomer generation, listen up! Are you middle aged and feeling increasingly powerless? Why are middle aged men feeling like life is living them, rather than them living their lives? Why are middle aged women's activities, behaviors, and obligations being determined, for the most part, by everyone EXCEPT them? Do you know why your mature relationships are failing? What is that nagging feeling you have that your life isn’t quite what you know it could be? More importantly, what do you do about it?

Generation Baby Boomer, your single greatest power has always been your power to choose. At some point in your life, though, you bought the bill of goods that self determination was only for those younger than 40; that self actualization was for someone else; that self love was the exclusive domain of youth. To thine own self be true, Baby with the real Boom!

Eden Sterlington is issuing a clarion call to all her fellow middle agers, fellow 'Babies with the real Boom', fellow Sage Soldiers, fellow Wisdom Warriors, and fellow Change Champions to Get Back to Passion! “How?” you say? The SatisFillment™ way! This is the first of the new Action Guide series SatisFillment™: Your Proven Pathways to Power, Passion, and Peace of Mind. Each guide will be a collection of activities designed to get you refocused on your true priorities. SatisFillment™ is a way to Get YOU back to TRUE; to start you living in your own expectations; to guide you to the delicious, juicy life you’ve been earning all this time!

With her first installment, SatisFillment™: Your Proven Pathway to POWER, Eden charts a compact, potent, 30-day proven pathway to reintroduce you to your power to choose; to your self determination; to your mature self centered priorities – and it’s a good thing. It’s a very good thing! It is an egostatic exercise. At the end of it, you will have new ways of thinking about yourself and at least one new habit or philosophy that you can apply to improve the rest of your life. Sow a thought, reap an action. Sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny. Sow a destiny, reap a legacy. EVERYTHING begins with how you think. To thine own self be true.

SatisFillment ™ can help Get YOU back to TRUE! SatisFillment™ can help you Get Back to Passion! SatisFillment™ – Live It and Love It! Give It and Get It! Wear It and Want It! Share It and Show It!

Goodreads Summary

This short book focuses on helping people to find their inner power.  There are plenty of simple exercises to help the reader along with little to no confusion.  There are six focus points, each with their own activities aimed at helping the reader.  The author gives the reader a time limit of thirty days, just the right amount of time to accomplish their goal. 

There are also a variety of quotes at the beginning of each mini chapter.  They were clearly selected with care for SatisFillment, the quotes' authors are well-known.  The reader will enjoy that every focus point comes with an explanation, it is always easier to try something when you are given a good reason to try.  This book is recommended for those who enjoy self-help books and need a little extra push to reveal their inner power.

4 Stars