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B.K. Walker's Guest Post and Giveaway!!! (International)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For the giveaway, leave a comment for B.K. as well as your email.  GFC subscribers get an extra entry.  Thank you very much for stopping by!  This contest is for TWO Ebooks of Night Secrets, INTERNATIONAL.

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today Krystal. Romancing Your Dark Side Tour has been so much fun and we've all been meeting some great people along the way.

Today I'm going to give you the top ten reasons to read Night Secrets, but first I'd like to just tell you that if I won't read my work and enjoy it after it's complete, then you will never see it. I never write anything I wouldn't read myself, and after I finish a story, I let it sit, never looking at it for several months. After it's had its fermentation period, I go back and re-read the story. If it excites me, like Night Secrets did, then it will hit the bookstores. When I can read my own story and not want to put it down until I've finished it, then I know that readers loving this genre will also enjoy it.

Top Ten Reasons Readers Should Get Their Hands On Night Secrets   

10.  It doesn't end with book 1.

9.  Very relateable characters.

8.  Potential love triangles.

7.  Deep tension and unexpected...shall we say...shifts.

6.  Steamy sex scenes.

5.  Action. Action. Action.

4.  Hot Vampires.

3.  Sexy Werewolves.

2. Love is in the air (*wink wink*).

1. A varied paranormal mix, throwing in more supernatural creatures than you've probably ever seen in one book. My own surprising twists and turns adding mystery to the paranormal plot.

If that isn't enough, here are some reader thoughts on Night Secrets....

BK has certainly created a world of her own in Night Secerts. New aspects added to the word shapeshifters, unique of its own and paranormal elements within the read.~Kat at Page Flipperz

I think I have read almost all of her books and I am always waiting for more. Once again she did not disappoint. When I started reading Night Secrets I didn't want to put it down.~Book Reader Addicts

BK Walker just keeps getting better and better. I love all the characters and their development.~Jennifer Bonges

I found BK Walker once again writing a nail biting page turner. I thoroughly enjoyed how she made the 'creatures' in this book have to work together if they are to save Keara's life.~Reviewers Helping Authors

Vampires, werewolfs, shapeshifters and fairies....OH MY!!!! Love the storyline. Love the characters. A definate must read! ~Emily Miller

B.K.‘s storytelling is vivid and I could see through her imagrey what she wanted me to see. I really enjoyed this and I can’t wait to see what she had next! ~Carrie Ann Ryan

Find BK Walker:

Facebook -

Twitter - @bk36

BK Bio:

BK Walker currently lives in Central Pennsylvania with her three children, Brittney, Hunter and Danny, her dogs Rancid, Sadie and Haven, a cat named Whiskers and a goldfish named Fat Albert. She has always had a love for reading and writing, even as a child she created stories reading them to her stuffed animals. With a love for vampires and werewolves, you will not be disappointed with her writing as she mixes up the paranormal juice. Aside from writing, BK also supports Indie Authors organizing virtual book tours, helping them to market and promote their work. Her book review site, BWB Reviews, is just another small way she contributes to the reading world. With many stories floating around in her head, she writes when she gets the time between working as a Pediatric Home Care Nurse, being a single mother, and continuing her college education in Graphic Art Design. When BK's not fighting with her muse, Mouthy Mary, who has much to say way too often, you will find her at a baseball game with her children, or relaxing with a good book in her hand.

Night Secrets Blurb:

Keara Crosby had the perfect life. Her family was not hurting for anything. When her parents are suddenly killed, Keara must learn to live without them. After mourning their death for two months, Keara starts to live again. She follows her favorite band, hangs with her best friend Jared, and falls for the new kid on the block.

When her favorite band is playing at Night Secrets, a new club downtown, she takes her first outing since her parents death and finds this mysterious boy watching her. Mesmerized by his lapus blue eyes, she can't help but feel drawn to him. Her body responds to him in ways she never thought possible, and she needs to figure out why. What is it about Channing that has her yearning for his touch?

Not only is Keara drawn to Channing, but the owner of Night Secrets seems to be drawn to her. Giving her special treatment, she can't help but wonder what he's hiding, and the sense she's seen him before. When she's attacked in the parking lot, her world turns inside out, literally. Keara will soon learn that secrets of the night, just may be the death of her.


     I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or not. I was standing

in front of a manmade lake, it was completely dark. I was

half expecting Dante’ to come out of the darkness and try

to kill me. What I saw though is not what I was expecting.

The light started small and could be seen across the

lake. It was like a flicker from a candle with an orange -

yellow glow. As it grew brighter, I realized something was

moving towards me.

     I squinted my eyes at the intensity of the brightness.

Suddenly the light dimmed and standing before me,

floating on top of the water was a beautiful woman. She

wore a long white gown with lace at the end of the

sleeves. Her hair was a beautiful shade of chestnut and

flowed down her back like a blanket draped over a horse.

The shine made me want to touch it to see how soft it

was. Her eyes were as green as emeralds, and they

were looking right at me.

     I was so overcome by her beauty, I didn’t even realize

she was staring at me. Just as the thought to run came

through my mind….

     “Fear not child. I will not harm you.”

     My heart raced, but my feet held their ground.

     “I have a message for you young Keara.” As she

spoke her voice echoed ever so slightly giving her words

an eery effect. She floated closer to where I was

standing. “I am Morrigan. The Great Goddess Morrigan.

I have many names, though I believe you were told I am

Morgan Le Fay.”

     I felt my heart spiral up to my throat at an accelerated

speed. I felt like I might choke.

     “I am your queen child. I am here to give you

guidance. You have been faced with the most evil

creature there is in your time. He wants your blood young

Keara. There are many things you don’t know about

yourself. Things you must learn in order to beat this evil

force that is upon you.

     “You are a shifter. The change hasn’t happened yet,

but the next time it starts, you mustn’t fight it. Allow it to

complete. Only then will you gain access to the powers

that are within.”

     “It hurts though. I don’t want to shift. I’m not sure I

want to be a shifter.”

     “Silence!” She screamed with a fierceness I have

never heard, her voice echoing in the night and the

glowing light around her emanating brighter.

     I dropped to my knees and buried my head in my

hands. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, I just

knew I didn’t like her yelling like that. Why was this

happening to me?

     “Young Keara, it is in your blood. There is no choice

in the matter. I too am a shifter. We are of the same

mother. We cannot fight what we are meant to be.”

“What do you mean we are of the same mother?”

“We share the same blood lines child. The same

heritage. What is of me, is of you as well. If you allow

them to come through, you have powers that will help

you. You the Fae and a shifter. The powers you hold

within will make you a force to fear.

     “You must defeat this evil. The only way to do that is to

unleash what is inside of you. Trust what your instincts

are telling you. Trust who is there to help you as well.”


  1. ArtemisG said...:

    These are very good reasons to get the book on my hand. Hot Vampires, Sexy Werewolves and Action. Night Secrets sounds great. The cover is amazing.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC follower as Diana

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  1. I think all ten reasons are great reasons for reading this book! Thanks for the post and the giveaway!

    GFC Follower: Jennifer Griffin
    email: jgriffin1018 at gmail dot com

  1. mk said...:

    3, 4 and 5 make me want this book so much! Sounds very good and I'll love to read ti!
    GFC - Marti
    by_myself (at) mail (dot) bg

  1. Unknown said...:

    Thank you for stopping in guys. I had fun with this post, something a little different. :).

    Keep on Keepin' on!


  1. Darlene said...:

    Please enter me in the draw! I'm following on GFC (Darlene) and I'm an email subscriber!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Giselle said...:

    Count me in this sounds like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway.
    I'm a GFC follower
    cormier.giselle at gmail dot com

  1. I'm loving your reasons to read Night Secrets I think you had me at just being my friend on facebook though..>LOL> I can't wait to dive into it. Keep the stories coming. Take care Bk

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Thank you so much for this. 3 and 5 are my favorite. im a GFC follower

    chelle2006 @ aol .com


  1. Anonymous said...:

    All ten reasons are good ones for me to get my hand on this book!:)
    GFC fallower: gaby

  1. Alisia said...:

    sounds way good to me :)
    GFC Follower Çråz¥ K¥

  1. Oh I must must read this, It sounds fantastic, I love the cover for your book, thank you for the giveaway :)
    GFC follower :)

  1. Krysykat said...:

    Wow looks like an awesome read!
    GFC follower- Krysta Banco


  1. Anonymous said...:

    I think you have convinced me, I would love to read this :)


  1. Robin said...:

    This looks great! I follow on GFC under robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Robin D
    robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

  1. This sounds like a great read, thanks for the giveaway

    GFC follower
