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Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't forget to enter our massive 100+ Book Giveaway Hop! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Unknown said...:

    My favorite book setting is either Hogwarts or the universe of graceling :)
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  1. Jewel said...:

    My favorite book setting is definitely Hogwarts & always will be.

  1. Mystica said...:

    present day rural backgrounds.

  1. Christina K. said...:

    Maine from Lovely Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara.

    Thank you:)

  1. I am a sci-fi/fantasty fiend. I absolutely ADORE stories that take me outside the realm of possible, but which make me believe anything and everything is possible.

  1. I love fantasy settings. Right now I'm reading The Runaway King and I love that setting. Many others too.

  1. Unknown said...:

    It's Hogwarts! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  1. miki said...:

    i love the originality of the new orleans setting in the sentinel of new orleans series by suzanne johnson... with the older version called the beyond

    thank you for this new opportunity to win

  1. Middle-earth - Lord of the rings :)

  1. Amanda D said...:

    My favorite is Hogwarts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Reading said...:

    I love Being Human on SyFy

  1. Unknown said...:

    I love settings in the past. I love the game of thrones series and historical romances (:

  1. Tanja said...:

    Middle Earth or Hogwarts... I can't decide between those two :)

  1. laurie said...:

    Maine from Lovely Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara.

  1. Mariya said...:

    My favorite book setting is a dystopian world, like in the Divergent series.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I loved the Maritime settings in LM Montgomery's books.


  1. my favorite was on Angel's Blood by Nalini Singh.

  1. mels said...:

    My favorite book setting is surely Hogwarts! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    My favorite book setting is like Divergent worl

  1. Suz Reads said...:

    I loved Hogwarts as a book setting! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

  1. I love some magic settings :) Thanks for the giveaway :)

  1. Céline G. said...:

    I think our world is a really good setting when you put magic into it... Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  1. CBarton said...:

    The ever popular Hogwarts School of Wizardry of course although, I love the Elfin Kingdom from The Lord Of the Rings. Thank you.

  1. oriana said...:

    middle earth from TLOTR

  1. Chelsea B. said...:

    The Hunger Games. It's one I will never forget!

  1. Alexju said...:

    Hogwarts definitely. Thank you!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Definitely Lord of the Rings! And I do have a soft spot for the setting in Dune =)

  1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    DEFINITELY The lord of the rings!!

  1. Cali W. said...:

    Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite settings are usually other worlds like Middle Earth or places like Paris!
    -Cali W.

  1. Unknown said...:

    My fave setting would have to be modern day fantasy! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1. Chantelle said...:

    Probably medieval settings haha
    Read too many great Tamora Pierce novels as a child.

  1. Unknown said...:

    Anything in a city/urban area.

  1. I love the setting in J.D. Robb's In Death series.

  1. Nara said...:

    I just love any sort of setting in high fantasy. Love the world building that authors can do :)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Any urban fantasy setting (it makes me believe magic can be just behind the corner!)

  1. suzie said...:

    I liked the whole world in The Clan of the CaveBear series

  1. RIN said...:

    I absolutely loved the setting in Shadow and Bone

  1. My favorite book setting is definitely from the Vampire Academy Series. I love when authors have that boarding school setting. Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  1. I would have to say my favourite setting would be Hogwarts. The moving staircases and the room of requirement and the beautiful castle. Just awesome. Thank you for the giveaway.

  1. I love reading about the desert like in VESSEL by Sarah Beth Durst.

  1. Renee G said...:

    I would get Whispers in Autumn by Trisha Leigh

  1. Unknown said...:

    Hogwarts! I love revisiting over and over!

  1. Meghan said...:

    I love books that are set into a setting that is not familiar to me, whether that be an historic setting or a fantastical one. The fantastical ones intrigue me because they create all new rules and I get to see what the characters do to conform to them. The historical ones intrigue me because the situations are not only unrealistic in this day and age, but they were possible at one time. I always wonder to what it would be like for me to be born in that time period.

    mestith at gmail dot com

  1. Hogwarts for sure! I loved the way the castle was decorated for Halloween and Christmas, and I just love castles! :D

  1. I like a variety of backdrops like other worlds in Sci-Fi, altered worlds here on earth like from fantasies and paranormals.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  1. Lots of different places. I like books that are set in places I've been to. That makes the story fun for me in a personal way.

  1. Allie said...:

    fantasy settings. :D

  1. Ashfa said...:

    The Anne of the Green Gables settings.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    fantastical lands! In particular Terre D'Ange


  1. The South of USA =]

    So, me and my imaginary (or ghost) southern friend from New Orleans called Misty thank for the giveaway and may the odds be ever in my favor! <333

  1. CK said...:

    The Victorian Era!

  1. Anubha said...:

    crossroads by Mary Ting

  1. Mine is any setting that had Dragons and magic in it :)

  1. Hmm, maybe from The Mortal Instruments, Idris or the Silent City :D

  1. Carol L. said...:

    Two of my favorites are the Ballrooms of Regency London or the Highlands of Historical Scotland.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  1. mk said...:

    I loved the setting in Vampire Academy and of course Harry Potter series. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1. Veronica said...:

    I love when people are travelling Europe : )

  1. I guess I'd have to say Hogwarts is my favorite setting. Really how could it not be?
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    DeAnna Schultz

  1. Unknown said...:

    In the woods or in the beach. :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    Generally speaking I love boarding schools and camps as settings, but two specific favorites of mine are Hogwarts (boarding school) and Camp Half Blood (camp in Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus series)

  1. Krista said...:

    Big cities. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. M.A.D. said...:

    Mary DeBorde

    Creepy, haunted houses or weird boarding schools lol ;D

  1. i like settings in europe, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

  1. I like books set in small creepy towns or any European cities.

  1. Leannessf said...:

    The world of Rachel Morgan in the Hollows series by Kim Harrison!


  1. Shan said...:

    Maybe The Aviator's Wife.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Have to go with Hogwarts.

  1. I like beach , mountain, or desert settings in the past. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  1. I loved Hogwarts, the settings of The Lord of the Rings and Graceling

  1. Any fantasy/paranormal setting is good for me.

  1. Holly said...:

    Hogwarts, most definitely. :)

  1. deasuluna said...:

    A futuristic setting or European settings

  1. Unknown said...:

    I love settings that are in the wilderness, beach and in the winter w/snow.

  1. erin said...:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Probably Hogwarts :)

  1. kipha said...:

    Anything with SteamPunk and Victorian/ Lord of the Rings setting

  1. I love futuristic and Victorian setting. Those are the best. Past and future. Makes your imagination go wild :D

  1. I agree about Hogwarts.

  1. Mishma said...:

    Definitely Hogwarts.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  1. Mona said...:

    I like books set in :
    . Hotels/inns/B&B's
    . Schools -- especially remote boarding schools
    . India

    Thanks :)

  1. Katie said...:

    I know I'm not original, but definitely Hogwarts.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hogwarts, for sure

  1. *Jam* said...:

    Hogwarts and Paris in Anna and the French Kiss.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Juana said...:

    I mainly read paranormal romance. I'm not too picky I like all types of settings.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  1. Christine said...:

    I love a setting that's new and exciting for me, and especially when the setting is also a new experience for the narrator--I love discovering the environment with the characters :)

  1. I'm not picky as long as the story is entertaining.

  1. My favorite book setting is Shadowhunters' world

  1. Lara said...:

    a Catholic monastery in the desert of the southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, the story spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself- A Canticle for Liebowitz, awesome book!

    l-belle at hotmail dot com

  1. Sherry Compton said...:

    The ocean

  1. Rima said...:

    Hogwarts definitely! :)

  1. historical or dystopian
    thx u ;)

  1. May said...:

    The Luxe series was set in the 1900's and I loved it! Historical fiction around that era is always my favorite.

  1. Unknown said...:

    I would choose Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs!

  1. Nicole said...:

    My favorite book settings are probably when books are set in the past or a fantasy world (like Narnia or Middle-earth :)

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Hogwarts was a good one... anywhere that is somewhere I haven't been! I love hearing about different places in the world!

  1. bn100 said...:


  1. For fantasy worlds its, hands-down, NARNIA!

    But I do like books set in my home state of Florida as well!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. LisaILJ said...:

    I'm going generic by saying I'm a sucker for books set in private schools.

  1. I'm a simple girl and I like to keep it simple. I like the present lol

  1. mandala said...:

    rural/rustic settings. Thanks!

  1. mareb said...:

    Detailed fantasy worlds, and boarding schools (haha1)

  1. I know it's kind of depressing, but my favourite settings are dystopian! lol =)

  1. Cecilia83 said...:

    Lord of the sea by Virginia Kantra, i love the beach, mermaid..

  1. I like to say dystopian setting, and I also like fantasy, like magics and the likes. Thanks

  1. Sofia T. said...:

    Definitely Vampire academy....

  1. Unknown said...:

    Definitely Hogwarts. I mean, who doesn't want to go there??

  1. Sarah.S said...:

    I love reading Dystopian settings :)

  1. An alternate world. (Terre D'ange. I love the Kushiel series)

  1. Unknown said...:

    I loved the setting in Harry Potter and all dystopians like Divergent. A dystopian Chicago is great! Thanks!

  1. I honestly have a lot of favorite settings but I will just give you 3. The first and foremost is absolutely the entire setting of the Harry Potter series. Nothing has beat it yet, for me! Second would be Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Such amazing world-building! And third, a new favorite, would be Sorry-in-the-Vale in the wonderful world of Sarah Rees Brennan's Unspoken!

  1. The setting in Divergent and Harry Potter. They are so interesting!


    raffle name: Nikki O

  1. J Whitus said...:

    Anything that has to do with the Never Never or Tir Na Nog. I love books about Fairies.

  1. mdh0115 said...:

    Hogwarts would have to be my favorite setting!

  1. New worlds in Epic Fantasy....

  1. Merry said...:

    I love Regency England settings.

  1. Simona said...:

    Hogwarts definetly thank you for the giveaway!:)

  1. Stacy said...:

    Hogwarts and basically the entire wizarding world of Harry Potter!

  1. Unknown said...:

    1800's London in the Infernal Devices.
    Second would be Morganville in The Morganville Vampires.

  1. Jillyn said...:

    Algaesia from the Inheritance Cycle.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    guild hunters series by nalini singh
    thank you :)


  1. Unknown said...:

    I love fantasy settings, haunted/gothic houses, woods/wilderness.
    Thanks! :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    I would pick Gone Girls by Gillian Flynn. I am dying to read this book but haven't found it in myself to splurge on it.

    Thanks for the great giveaway,

  1. Unknown said...:

    Any well-drawn fantasy world.

  1. Sherry said...:

    I love present day and a country setting

  1. Desiree said...:

    My favorite book setting was The Selection by Kiera Cass.

  1. Maybe Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings? They had alot of good places. There are so many good ones out there

  1. Unknown said...:

    England and Scotland

  1. I like the world of the Curseworkers, where some people have magic in their hands.

  1. Isa said...:

    My favourite book setting is the world of Harry Potter and Middle-earth of LotR. Thank you. :)

  1. Unknown said...:

    I just love books that are set in the Scottish Highlands.

  1. Unknown said...:

    Fantasy places, made up by the author :D

  1. Kamla L. said...:

    I'd probably choose The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett, Shadow and Bone by By Leigh Bardugo, or Cinder by Melissa Meyer. Thanks for the chance to win!

  1. Kamla L. said...:

    I love fantasy and scifi settings. Some of my favorite seetting are in this series: The Wheel of Time, LightBringer, Mistborn Triology, and Dock Five Universe. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Hogwarts of course!

  1. clynsg said...:

    I like several but McCaffrey's Pern is always interesting!

    cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

  1. Historical Scotland is my favorite setting to read about. Loove it!

  1. Caroline said...:

    I like anything set in a dystopian world!

  1. There are a couple I am really fond of...Anything set in the country, stories that are set abroad or someplace tropical, and most post apocalyptic settings :)
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  1. I love futuristic settings

    Jolene A

  1. Ileana A. said...:

    Historical :)